
Laravel 5.1+ package development boilerplate.

dev-master 2024-09-08 21:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-08 22:14:20 UTC


#####Version 1.0.0 ##A package development boilerplate for Laravel 5.1+

####Download for a demo package built using LaraPackBoiler.

#####Provides a Jump Start to your Laravel package development in a structured way.

###Salient Features

  • Follows Laravel 5.1 directory structure.
  • Well documented with example code.
  • Encourages use of Interfaces and Database Repositories.
  • Saves a lot of time while developing a new package from scratch.
  • Make your package views customizable in the application.
  • Provides example code for controller, model, view, interfaces, events, repositories.
  • Helps in learning Package Development.


Note: You need to have composer installed on your system.

  1. Download this package to your vendor folder.
 composer require neelkanthk/larapackboiler "dev-master"
  1. Copy the following to your config/app.php's providers array

    • Package\Application\Providers\PackageServiceProvider::class
    • Package\Application\Providers\PackageEventServiceProvider::class
  2. Change the larapackboiler composer.json file to define dependencies and other package related information.

  3. Add the following line to the project's composer.json psr-4 array:

"psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app/",
            "Package\\Application\\" : "vendor/neelkanthk/larapackboiler/application/src/"
  1. Run composer dumpautoload or composer dump-autoload from your project root.

  2. Run following command to move the package assets, views, config files to your application folder. (Optional)

    php artisan vendor:publish
  3. Test your installation by visiting the following URL in your browser.


  4. If you see 'Hi I am PackageController@exampleAction', then you have successfully configured the laraPackBoiler.

  5. That's it. Now, You are ready to develop your package.

#####The boilerplate code is well documented to help you in your development.

##Quick Start for developing your first package using boilerplate

  1. Rename the package folder to your package name.

  2. Change the package name in project's composer.json psr-4 array.


"psr-4": { "App\": "app/", "TodoPackage\Application\" : "vendor/{path_to_package}/application/src/" }

3. Similarly, Change the package name in your config/app.php's providers array.

 - TodoPackage\Application\Providers\TodoPackageServiceProvider::class
 - TodoPackage\Application\Providers\TodoPackageEventServiceProvider::class

4. Change the package's composer.json psr-4 array:

"psr-4": { "todopackage\application\": "src/" } ```

  1. Run composer dump-autoload from your project root.

  2. Done. Start adding new controllers, models, routes, views to your new package.