
Avatar management module

1.0.2 2019-01-15 18:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-16 07:30:23 UTC


1.0.0 ALPHA

Allows upload of a custom avatar without dependency on any extension rather than yii2. Includes a widget to manage upload by users and management by admins.

The intention of this library is add the ability to upload a profile picture via a simple widget.

It must not be dependent from another user management library.


Add the module to your configuration like follows:

'modules' => [
    'avatar' => [
    'class' => 'eseperio\avatar\Module',
    'adminPermission' => 'admin',

Now place the included widget where you want to display the avatar.

<?= \eseperio\avatar\widgets\Avatar::widget([
'avatarId' => Yii::$app->user->id
]) ?>
Advanced configuration
Param Default Description
$avatarFileName null The name to be used on generated files. If null then id property from userComponent will be used. If it is a string then will be considered like a route to a property within userComponent. If can be also a closure or a reference to a class method. Signature of method must be function($id, $module){}. See source code for more information.
userComponent 'user' component to be used when generating avatar id. Ignored if $avatarFilename is a closure
defaultImage false array the path to default image
createDirectories true whether create the target directories if they do not exists.
thumbWidth 250 size of thumbnail size
thumbHeight 250 size of thumbnail size
outputFormat 2 (jpeg) Format for generated images
keepOriginal true whether keep the original uploaded file
originalSuffix 'or' suffix to be appended to original files. If keep original enabled
uploadDir '@app/uploads' directory to store thumbs generated without trailing slash. You can set a non web visible folder and get the pictures via link to ['/avatar/default/picture','id'=> $id ].
thumbsDir '@app/images/thumbs' directory where the files will be uploaded without trailing slash
attributeName 'image' name of the attribute to be used on forms
imageValidator see code name of the attribute to be used on forms validator to be used for image uploaded
mimeTypes see code list of allowed mimetypes
glue '_' to be used when joining avatar name parts
adminPermission null users with this permissions will be able to update avatars from other users.


There are available some events.

Event Description
UploadEvent::EVENT_AFTER_UPLOAD Triggered just after saving original image. Use this event to generate thumbnails in other sizes.


This module includes a custom made jquery plugin to manage the upload process. You can configure it via widget through pluginOptions

There are many events available in the plugin. All events must return a boolean and have access to all the params of the parent function. See code to know more.

Available events in jQuery plugin

Name Description
beforeUpload Triggered on the beforeSend event
afterUpload Triggered when ajax response is full ok (status code and server response)
onFail Triggered when status code is 200 but server response is not ok
onAjaxFail Triggered when communication with server fails