neam / yii-i18n-attribute-messages
Transparent attribute translation for ActiveRecords, leveraging Yii's built-in translation features for translated field contents.
Installs: 676
Dependents: 1
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 1
Watchers: 5
Forks: 1
Open Issues: 0
- php: >=5.0.0
- yiisoft/yii: >=1.1.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 04:22:22 UTC
Transparent attribute translation for ActiveRecords, leveraging Yii's built-in translation features to retrieve translated attribute contents.
All you'll need to do is to rename the fields from $book->title
to $book->_title
in your database. The included console command scans your database and configuration and creates a migration for all necessary renames.
The behavior then transparently turns $book->title
into Yii:t('attributes.Book.title', $book->_title)
and $book->title_de
into Yii:t('attributes.Book.title', $book->_title, array(), null, 'de')
, while providing transparent saving of translations simply by assigning and saving these attributes in the model (Note: CDbMessageSource only).
- Eases the translation of user-generated content in a project
- Eases the creation of UI for translators to perform translation work
- Works with any Yii-compatible message source when retrieving translations
- Saving of translations when using CDbMessageSource
- Console command automatically creates migrations for the necessary database changes
- The source message is left in the model for Gii compatibility (generated models will have the correct validation rules and field order for the translated attributes)
- Rigorous unit tests
- Use with any number of attributes/languages without worrying about database restrictions on row size and/or column counts being exceeded
Not ideal for translated attributes that are supposed to be native in the active records' database tables, such as translated foreign keys, or multilingual look-up/search columns. Use for those attributes instead.
- Yii 1.1 or above
- Use of Yii console
Download and install
Ensure that you have the following in your composer.json:
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Then install through composer:
php composer.phar update neam/yii-i18n-attribute-messages
If you don't use composer, clone or download this project into /path/to/your/app/vendor/neam/yii-i18n-attribute-messages
Add Alias to both main.php and console.php
'aliases' => array(
'vendor' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../vendor',
'i18n-attribute-messages' => 'vendor.neam.yii-i18n-attribute-messages',
Import the behavior in main.php
'import' => array(
Reference the console command in console.php
'commandMap' => array(
'i18n-attribute-messages' => array(
'class' => 'i18n-attribute-messages.commands.I18nAttributeMessagesCommand',
Configure models to be multilingual
1. Add the behavior to the models that you want multilingual
public function behaviors()
return array(
'i18n-attribute-messages' => array(
'class' => 'I18nAttributeMessagesBehavior',
/* The multilingual attributes */
'translationAttributes' => array(
/* An array of allowed language/locale ids that are to be used as suffixes, such as title_en, title_de etc */
//'languageSuffixes' => array_keys(Yii::app()->params["languages"]),
/* Configure if you want to use another translation component for this behavior. Default is 'messages' */
//'messageSourceComponent' => 'attributeMessages',
2. Create migration from command line:
./yiic i18n-attribute-messages process
Run with --verbose
to see more detailed output.
3. Apply the generated migration:
./yiic migrate
This will rename the fields that are defined in translationAttributes to _fieldname, which will be the placed that the source content is stored (the content that is to be translated).
Sample migration file:
class m131115_204413_i18n extends CDbMigration
public function up()
$this->renameColumn('book', 'title', '_title');
$this->renameColumn('book', 'slug', '_slug');
$this->renameColumn('chapter', 'title', '_title');
$this->renameColumn('chapter', 'slug', '_slug');
$this->dropForeignKey('fk_chapter_book', 'chapter');
$this->renameColumn('chapter', 'book_id', '_book_id');
$this->addForeignKey('fk_chapter_book', 'chapter', '_book_id', 'book', 'id', 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION');
public function down()
$this->renameColumn('book', '_title', 'title');
$this->renameColumn('book', '_slug', 'slug');
$this->renameColumn('chapter', '_title', 'title');
$this->renameColumn('chapter', '_slug', 'slug');
$this->dropForeignKey('fk_chapter_book', 'chapter');
$this->renameColumn('chapter', '_book_id', 'book_id');
$this->addForeignKey('fk_chapter_book', 'chapter', 'book_id', 'book', 'id', 'NO ACTION', 'NO ACTION');
4. Add save-support
Save-support is only enabled if you use CDbMessageSource. Configure your app to use it and make sure the following tables (Note: with auto-increment for SourceMessage) exists:
CREATE TABLE `SourceMessage` (
COLLATE = utf8_bin;
CREATE TABLE `Message` (
`id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`language` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `language`),
CONSTRAINT `FK_Message_SourceMessage`
REFERENCES `SourceMessage` (`id`)
COLLATE = utf8_bin;
Hint: You can still keep CPhpMessageSource as the default messages component for your app, and configure CDbMessageSource to be used only for attribute messages.
Your application config should have two message source components configured:
'components' => array(
// Static messages
'messages' => array(
'class' => 'CPhpMessageSource',
// Attribute messages
'attributeMessages' => array(
'class' => 'CDbMessageSource',
And when configuring the behavior, set an appropriate 'messageSourceComponent' configuration option (see example configuration above).
5. Re-generate models
Use Gii as per the official documentation. To be able to save translations, you'll need to generate the models Message and SourceMessage as well.
Example usage with a Book model that has a multilingual title attribute.
All translations will be available through attribute suffix, ie $book->title_en
for the english translation, $book->title_sv
for the swedish translation. $book->title
will be an alias for the currently selected language's translation.
Reading and saving translations
Fetching translations
$book = Book::model()->findByPk(1);
Yii::app()->language = 'en';
echo $book->title; // Outputs 'The Alchemist'
Yii::app()->language = 'sv';
echo $book->title; // Outputs 'Alkemisten'
echo $book->title_en; // Outputs 'The Alchemist'
Saving a single translation
Yii::app()->language = 'sv';
$book->title = 'Djävulen bär Prada';
$book->save(); // Saves 'Djävulen bär Prada' as if it was assigned to Book.title_sv
Saving multiple translations
$book->title_en = 'The Devil Wears Prada';
$book->title_sv = 'Djävulen bär Prada';
$book->save(); // Saves both translations
More examples
...can be found in tests/codeception/unit/BasicTest.php
Creating a UI for translators
The default behavior when a translation is missing is to return the source message.
When we construct a translation UI, we want the fields to be null
until they have a translation.
'import' => array(
'components' => array(
'attributeMessages' => array(
'class' => 'CDbMessageSource',
'onMissingTranslation' => array('MissingTranslationHandler', 'returnNull'),
Creating an input to change the source language content of the field "title"
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'_title'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($model,'_title'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'_title'); ?>
Note: This field is generated automatically by Gii.
Creating an input to set/update the swedish translation of the field "title"
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'title_sv'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($model,'title_sv'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'title_sv'); ?>
Hint: You might want to display the source language content next to the translation field, like so:
<div class="row">
<?php echo Yii::t('app', 'Content to translate'); ?>: <?php echo CHtml::encode($model->_title); ?>
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'title_sv'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($model,'title_sv'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'title_sv'); ?>
Also, don't forget to adjust the validation rules (safe, required, etc) for the virtual translation fields.
Creating an input to set/update the current app language's translation of the field "title"
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'title'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($model,'title'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'title'); ?>
More examples
Simply look at any other examples of form building in Yii. Since the translated attributes are ordinary model attributes, you may use core or third-party extensions that save to and read from model attributes for constructing your translation UI.
- Eases the translation of user-generated content in a project
- Eases the creation of UI for translators to perform translation work
- Works with any Yii-compatible message source when retrieving translations
- Saving of translations when using CDbMessageSource
- Console command automatically creates migrations for the necessary database changes
- The source message is left in the model for Gii compatibility (generated models will have the correct validation rules and field order for the translated attributes)
- Rigorous unit tests
- Forked v0.3.1
Testing the extension
One-time preparations
Switch to the extension's root directory
cd vendor/neam/yii-i18n-attribute-messages
Create a database called yiam_test in your local mysql server installation. Create a user called yiam_test with yiam_test as the password and make sure that this user has access to the local database.
After this, you can run the following routine to test the extension:
Test the command
1. Set-up the test database
Load tests/db/unmodified.sql into the database.
2. Run the console command
tests/app/protected/yiic i18n-attribute-messages process
3. Apply the migration
tests/app/protected/yiic migrate
Test the behavior
Run the unit tests
php codecept.phar run unit
You should get output similar to:
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v1.6.2
Powered by PHPUnit 3.7.19 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Suite unit started
Trying to ensure empty db (BasicTest::ensureEmptyDb) - Ok
Trying to ensure known source language (BasicTest::ensureKnownSourceLanguage) - Ok
Trying to see behavior (BasicTest::seeBehavior) - Ok
Trying to interpret language suffix (BasicTest::interpretLanguageSuffix) - Ok
Trying to get (BasicTest::get) - Ok
Trying to set without suffix (BasicTest::setWithoutSuffix) - Ok
Trying to set with suffix (BasicTest::setWithSuffix) - Ok
Trying to save single with source message (BasicTest::saveSingleWithSourceMessage) - Ok
Trying to save single without source message (BasicTest::saveSingleWithoutSourceMessage) - Ok
Trying to fetch single without suffix (BasicTest::fetchSingleWithoutSuffix) - Ok
Trying to reuse previous translation (BasicTest::reusePreviousTranslation) - Ok
Trying to update existing (BasicTest::updateExisting) - Ok
Trying to further fallback behavior tests (BasicTest::furtherFallbackBehaviorTests) - Ok
Trying to test test suite (EmptyTest::testTestSuite) - Ok
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 14.25Mb
OK (14 tests, 124 assertions)