
PHP port of 2016-10-05 08:20 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:44:40 UTC


Parser and generator for SIE files (

PHP port of

Current implementation requires PHP 5.6.5 or greater.


Via composer:

composer require neam/php-sie

Generating a SIE file

To generate a SIE document you first need to define a class that implements \sie\document\IDataSource or extends abstract class \sie\document\DataSource.

$mySieFileDataSource = new MySieFileDataSource($this);
$sieFileDocument = $mySieFileDataSource->generateSieDocument();
$sieFileContents = $sieFileDocument->render();
file_put_contents('', $sieFileContents);

Check the files in tests/unit/*Test.php for more examples.

Parsing a SIE file

You can parse sie data from anything that responds to each_line like a file or a string.

$file_contents = file_get_contents('');
$parser = new \sie\Parser();
$sie_file = $parser->parseSieFileContents($file_contents);
return $this->parse($data);

// The company name
puts sie_file.entries_with_label("fnamn").first.attributes["foretagsnamn"]

// The first account number
puts sie_file.entries_with_label("konto").first.attributes["kontonr"]

The parser expects file contents in CP437 encoding (the official encoding of the SIE file format). If you want to parse UTF8 strings, use the "parse" method:

$sie_file = $parser->parse($utf8_string);

By default the parser will raise an error if it encounters unknown entry types. Use the lenient option to avoid this:

$parser = new \sie\Parser(["lenient" => true]);

Check the files in tests/integration/*Test.php for more examples.


First time setup:

composer install

Running tests:

vendor/bin/codecept build
vendor/bin/codecept run

Tests sample output:

# vendor/bin/codecept run --debug
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.2.4
Powered by PHPUnit 5.4.8 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Integration Tests (8) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Modules: \Helper\Integration
✔ FileParserTest: Parses a file (0.07s)
✔ FileParserTest: Parses a file with unknown entries using a lenient parser (0.01s)
✔ FileParserTest: Parses a file with unknown entries using a strict parser (0.05s)
✔ Fortnox21FileParserTest: Parses sie1 se file (0.09s)
✔ Fortnox21FileParserTest: Parses sie2 se file (0.25s)
✔ Fortnox21FileParserTest: Parses sie3 se file (0.27s)
✔ Fortnox21FileParserTest: Parses sie4 se file (0.51s)
✔ Fortnox21FileParserTest: Parses sie4 si file (0.29s)

Unit Tests (39) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Modules: \Helper\Unit
✔ BuildEntryTest: Call (0.05s)
✔ BuildEntryTest: Call with an unquoted zero string (0.00s)
✔ BuildEntryTest: Call with short dimensions array (0.00s)
✔ BuildEntryTest: Call with long dimensions array (0.00s)
✔ BuildEntryTest: Call with simple attribute (0.00s)
✔ BuildEntryTest: Call with an unexpected token at start of array (0.00s)
✔ DocumentTest: Adds a header (0.02s)
✔ DocumentTest: Has accounting years (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Has accounts (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Has dimensions (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Has objects (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Has balances brought forward (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Has balances carried forward (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Has closing account balances (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Has vouchers (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Truncates really long descriptions (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Ensures there are at least two lines with a zeroed single voucher line (0.01s)
✔ DocumentTest: Reads the series from the voucher with a series defined (0.01s)
✔ ParserTest: Parses sie data that includes arrays (0.00s)
✔ ParserTest: Handles leading whitespace (0.00s)
✔ RendererTest: Replaces input of the wrong encoding with questionmark (0.00s)
✔ VoucherSeriesTest: Self for | #0 (0.00s)
✔ VoucherSeriesTest: Self for | #1 (0.00s)
✔ VoucherSeriesTest: Self for | #2 (0.00s)
✔ VoucherSeriesTest: Self for | #3 (0.00s)
✔ VoucherSeriesTest: Self for | #4 (0.00s)
✔ LineParserTest: It parses lines from a sie file (0.00s)
✔ LineParserTest: Using a lenient parser it raises no error when encountering unknown entries (0.00s)
✔ LineParserTest: Using a strict parser it raises error when encountering unknown entries (0.00s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Tokenizes the given line (0.00s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Can parse metadata arrays (0.00s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Handles escaped quotes in quoted strings (0.00s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Handles escaped quotes in non quoted strings (0.00s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Handles escaped backslash in strings (0.00s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Has reasonable behavior for consecutive escape characters (0.00s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Handles tab character as field separator (0.00s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Handles unquoted zeros (0.01s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Handles transaction with dimension array (0.00s)
✔ TokenizerTest: Rejects control characters (0.00s)

Time: 2.84 seconds, Memory: 12.00MB

OK (47 tests, 133 assertions)