
eFaas Provider for Laravel Socialite

1.0.0 2023-07-06 04:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-26 06:06:34 UTC


Laravel Socialite Provider for eFaas.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ncit/efaas-socialite

Laravel 5.5 and above uses Package Auto-Discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider.

After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Add configuration to config/services.php

'efaas' => [    
    'client_id' => env('EFAAS_CLIENT_ID'),  
    'client_secret' => env('EFAAS_CLIENT_SECRET'),  
    'redirect' => env('EFAAS_CLIENT_REDIRECT_URI'),
    'server_url' => env('EFAAS_URL', ''),


You should now be able to use the provider like you would regularly use Socialite (assuming you have the facade installed): Refer to the Official Social Docs for more info.

Warning: If you get 403 Forbidden error when your Laravel app makes requests to the eFaas authorization endpoints, request NCIT to whitelist your server IP.

//efaas default scopes are openid and efaas.profile
return Socialite::driver('efaas')->redirect();

//to get extra scopes pass other scopes on scopes methods
return Socialite::driver('efaas')->scopes([

and in your callback handler, you can access the user data like so.

$efaasUser = Socialite::driver('efaas')->user();
$accessToken = $efaasUser->token;

Logging out the eFaas User

In your Laravel logout redirect, redirect with the provider logOut() method using the access token saved during login

return Socialite::driver('efaas')->logOut($access_token, $post_logout_redirect_url);

Using eFaas One-tap Login

This package will automatically add an /efaas-one-tap-login endpoint to your web routes which will redirect to eFaas with the eFaas login code.

Sometimes you may wish to customize the routes defined by the Efaas Provider. To achieve this, you first need to ignore the routes registered by Efaas Provider by adding EfaasProvider::ignoreRoutes to the register method of your application's AppServiceProvider:

use Ncit\Efaas\EfaasProvider;

 * Register any application services.
public function register(): void

Then, you may copy the routes defined by Efaas Provider in its routes file to your application's routes/web.php file and modify them to your liking:

    'as' => 'efaas.',
    'namespace' => '\Ncit\Efaas\Http\Controllers',
], function () {
    // Efaas routes...

Authenticating from mobile apps

To authenticate users from mobile apps, redirect to the eFaas login screen through a Web View on the mobile app. Then intercept the code (authorization code) from eFaas after they redirect you back to your website after logging in to eFaas.

Once your mobile app receives the auth code, send the code to your API endpoint. You can then get the eFaas user details from your server side using the auth code as follows:

$efaas_user = Socialite::driver('efaas')->userFromCode($code);

After you receive the eFaas user, you can then issue your own access token or API key according to whatever authentication scheme you use for your API.

Changing the eFaas login prompt behaviour

The eFaas login prompt behaviour can be customized by modifying the prompt option on your redirect request

return Socialite::driver('efaas')->with(['prompt' => 'select_account'])->redirect();

The available prompt options are:

Option Description
login Forces the user to enter their credentials on that request, regardless of whether the user is already logged into eFaas.
none Opposite of the login option. Ensures that the user isn't presented with any interactive prompt. If the request can't be completed silently by using single-sign on, the Microsoft identity platform returns an interaction_required error.
consent Triggers the OAuth consent dialog after the user signs in, asking the user to grant permissions to the app.
select_account Interrupts the single sign-on, providing account selection experience listing all the accounts either in session or any remembered account or an option to choose to use a different account altogether

Available properties for eFaas User

$id_number = $efaasUser->username;

All Available eFaas data fields

Field Description
id Efaas User Identifier
name Full Name
first_name First Name
middle_name Middle Name
last_name Last Name
name_dhivehi Full Name In dhivehi
first_name_dhivehi First name in Dhivehi
middle_name_dhivehi Middle name in Dhivehi
last_name_dhivehi Last name in Dhivehi
user_type User type
1- Maldivian
2- Work Permit Holder
3- Foreigners
username ID number in case of maldivian and workpermit number in case of expatriates
birthdate Date of birth. (Carbon instance)
gender Gender
email Email address
mobile Registered phone number
photo User photo
passport_number Passport number of the individual (expat and foreigners only)
is_workpermit_active Is the work permit active
permanentAddress Permananet Address. Country will contain an ISO 3 Digit country code.
country user Country name
countryCode user Country Code
is_verified Whether User is verified or Not
verification_type user verification type
updated_at Information Last Updated date. (Carbon instance)


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.