
Another PHP BBCode implementation.

1.0.1 2017-07-18 18:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 20:09:05 UTC


Another PHP BBCode implementation.


Firstly, the overall structure and code is heavily based on jbowens/jBBCode, which is licensed under MIT. Be sure to check out their repository.

Secondly, the validators are taken almost directly from yiisoft/yii2 validators. Yii2 is licensed under BSD. Be sure to check out their repository.


This isn't a professional project, it's just something I figured I'd share. I wanted something that was faster than JBBCode. Of course, this is also at the expense of some of the features of JBBCode, such as auto-closing tags. If you would like to contribute then open an issue or pull request and I'll take a look. However, my goal for the project isn't to overload it with features. I wanted something quick and therefore cut down on things I didn't like.

As a simple baseline, in comparison to JBBCode, I've seen my implementation perform twice as fast on small strings and up to five times as fast on longer strings.

PHP Version Support

The code is currently implemented with a couple PHP 7 features, such as the null coalesce (??) operator. If there is any interest in this code I'll create a PHP 5 branch that removes the PHP 7 features.

Additionally PCRE Regex is required to use this. However, it is only used to tokenize the parser input string (which provides huge speed improvements over, for example, JBBCode's Tokenizer implementation). It is also used in the validators. Furthermore, multibyte string support is required (generally found in most distributions) and if you wish to have list tag support DOM is required (generally compiled by default).

Quick Documentation


Add the following to your composer.json

"require": {
    "ncgamers/qikbb": "1.0.*"


// This assumes that auto-loading is already done
use qikbb\Engine;
use qikbb\sets\DefaultBBSet;

$engine = new Engine(new DefaultBBSet());
echo $engine->parse('[b]bold[/b]');
// <span class="bold">bold</span>

If you need more information regarding composer see the documentation.