
Dynamic Job Tab Bundle: Seamlessly add custom tabs to any job with the Dynamic Job Tab Bundle. This versatile tool allows you to dynamically integrate a custom tab into your job listings. To configure the job name, simply update the configuration.yml file.

1.0.0 2024-07-24 11:22 UTC


Dynamic Job Tab Bundle: Seamlessly add custom tabs to any job with the Dynamic Job Tab Bundle. This versatile tool allows you to dynamically integrate a custom tab into your job listings. To configure the job name, simply update the configuration.yml file.


Manual Installation:

  • merge "src" directory with the akeneo project src directory.

  • register bundle in config/bundles.php

    \DynamicJobTabBundle\DynamicJobTabBundle::class => ['all' => true],

  • copy the routing file from attached file to the akeneo config/routes directory. after the verify the entry in the file config/routes/dynamicTab.yml

  • then run the installation command

    NO_DOCKER=true make upgrade-front


  • add the job names in the configuration.yml

  • run the command NO_DOCKER=true make upgrade-front

  • you can see the new custom tab in the given job names.

Note: you can change the custom tab fields by changing the default template config/form_extensions/tab_template.yml