Packages from natshah

  • natshah/bootstrap-no-spacing

    Bootstrap no spacing for Twitter Bootstrap v3. You can use a ready CSS/LESS classes to control the spacing layout for bootstrap v3.

  • natshah/bootstrap-print

    Bootstrap print for Bootstrap v3. Mange grids using Bootstrap v3 for printed media.

  • natshah/bootstrap-pull

    Bootstrap pull for Twitter Bootstrap v3. To have pull-right and pull-left for Bootstrap v3 for xs, sm, md, lg media. This will help having some complex behavior for contents.

  • natshah/bootstrap-space

    Bootstrap Space for Twitter Bootstrap v3. To Control space around text or block contents with Bootstrap v3 in xs, sm, md, lg media.

  • Shell


    Installing and configuring selenium server for automated testing sessions.

  • natshah/jquery-equal-children

    JQuery equal children