
0.0.1 2014-07-16 21:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-24 06:56:01 UTC


Simple class to quickly read and write stuff in RelateIQ. I do not have anything that is in place for Accounts at this moment, only simple Contact and List/ListItem stuff.

Install with composer

"require": {
        "nathanabrewer/php-relateiq": "0.0.*"

Using Laravel4? Me too! ....In you config/app.php add to your aliases array

'RelateIQ'          =>  '\nathanabrewer\RelateIQ\RelateIQ'

Example below will run two API Queries, one GET and one PUT.

$riq = new RelateIQ($key, $secret);
$contact = $riq->getContact('53c238d7e4b0d0612a7b84bd');
$contact->properties->remove('email', '');
$contact->properties->add('email', '');

Lookup the available Lists... Make sure the List is shared with you! This will runs a single GET Request

$lists = $riq->getLists();
foreach($lists as $list){
    echo "{$list->id} -- {$list->title}\n";

Here, Rather than look at all the Lists, I am asking each List for List Items that contain this Contact. This will do a series of API GET requests: 1. A GET Request for all avaliable Lists (If I have not done one yet) 2. A GET Request per List for all ListItems with contact

$listItems = $riq->getAllListItemsForContact($contact);
foreach($listItems as $listItem){
    echo "Contact {$contact->getName()} (cid {$contact->id} has a ListItem {$listItem->id} on List {$listItem->listId} {$listItem->getList()->title}\n";

Alternatively, I could load the List, and then load the List Item. If I load an existing ListItem by its ListItem Id then we don't need to deal with the contactID

$list = $riq->getList($list_id);
$listItem = $list->getListItem($list_item_id);

Here I am interacting with my List Item. The idea here is already have the List Schema loaded, so I can define a value by its name. I will let the ListItem object determine if it is a Text/Number/List or Picklist, and set the value for the API call as appropriate.

$listItem->setField('Status', 'Active');
$listItem->setField('Drinks', array('Tea', 'Coffee', 'Water'));