
Yo Plugin for CakePHP

v0.2.1 2014-07-23 19:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 04:22:21 UTC


This CakePHP plugin features a simple component to send Yos from your controllers and a behavior that you can attach to your models.

Get your API Key at


PHP >= 5.2 with CURL

CakePHP 2 and up


Copy Yo Folder to your app/Plugin directory.

Load plugin in app/Config/bootstrap.php

CakePlugin::loadAll(); // Loads all plugins at once
CakePlugin::load('Yo'); //Loads a single plugin

Enter your API Key in Yo/Config/config.php

Configure::write('Yo.apiKey', 'YOUR_API_KEY');

Using Yo in a controller

Add the Yo Component to a controller, or to AppController to use it in every controller.

Call $this->Yo->all() to send a YO to everyone, or $this->Yo->user('USERNAME') to send a YO to USERNAME.

Check the example below

class UsersController extends AppController {

    // Add the component
    public $components = array('Yo.Yo');

    public function index() {
    	// send a Yo to everyone

    	// send a Yo to user USERNAME


Using Yo in a model

If you want to get a Yo whenever a model is created, updated or deleted use the behavior included.

In the model you care about add $actsAs = array('Yo.Yo'). By default it will Yo only when a record is created. If you care about updates and deletes you'll need to modify the options.

By default the behavior sends a Yo using $this->Yo->all(). If you want to send to only one user, modify the setting when adding the behavior in $actsAs.

Check the example below

class User extends AppModel {
	// These settings are defaults.
	public $actsAs = array(
		'Yo.Yo' => array(
			'afterSave' => true,
			'afterUpdate' => false,
			'afterDelete' => false,
			'username' => '' // set a username so it doesn't send to everyone
