
v0.1 2015-03-04 07:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 18:49:20 UTC


Provide an elegant way to interact with upload & process uploaded file feature.

Note: The package is only support Laravel 5


Step 1: Install package

composer require namest/drive

Step 2: Register service provider in your config/app.php

return [
    'providers' => [

Step 3: Publish package configs. Open your terminal and type:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Namest\Drive\DriveServiceProvider"

Step 4: Edit your appropriate configurations in config/drive.php:

Step 6: Read API below and start happy


Accept file upload (validate,...)

$file = Drive::accept($input_name);


// Set up validation rules in config file use laravel validation rules
return [
    'rules' => [
        'max:2048', // Kilobytes
        // Whatever you want

Throws ValidationException when failed validation.

Save file (without editing)

$nomal = $file->save();
$large = $file->save('-large'); // With file name suffix

Edit image file via method chaining

// Recipe: $file-><intervention/image method>($parameters)
$small = $file->crop($width, $height, $x, $y)

Edit image use profile declare in drive.profiles config

$avatar = $file->profile('avatar')->save();

Auto edit file by profile for particular upload type

// For example: apply `avatar` profile with every uploaded images.
// Edit in `drive` config
return [
    'default_profiles' => [
        'image' => ['avatar'],
        'video' => [],