Simple PHP Event library

1.0.1 2024-10-10 18:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 18:04:38 UTC


Simple Event Library

Status Status Status


  • This is an open-source library, and contributions are welcome.
  • If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the project repository.


  • PHP version 8.2 or newer is required

Installation & Setup

  • You can download using composer.
  • If you don't have composer, install composer first.
  • create file composer.json at your project root directory.
  • Add this to composer.json
  "require": {
    "naingaunglwin-dev/event": "^1.0"
  • Run the following command in your terminal from the project's root directory:
composer install

If you already have composer.json file in your project, just run this command in your terminal,

composer require naingaunglwin-dev/event



require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

use NAL\Event\Event;

$event = new Event();

// Define the event
$event->on("message", function () {
    echo "Message Sent!";

// emit the event
$event->emit("message"); // Message Sent!
  • Define event listeners with arguments
// Define the event with arguments
$event->on("message", function ($at) {
    echo "Sent message at $at";

// emit the event with arguments
$event->emit("message", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
  • Define event listeners with Class arguments
$event->on("message", function (User $user) {
    echo $user->notify("message is sent");

$event->emit("message"); // You don't have to pass the argument if arguments are classes
  • Define event listeners with priority
$event->on("message", function () {
    echo "Message Sent!";
}, 1);

$event->on("message", function () {
}, 2);

$event->emit("message"); // The higher priority listeners (lower numerical values) will be executed first.
  • Define the event listeners just one time
$event->once("message", function () {
    echo "Message is sent";

$event->emit("message"); // "Message is sent"
$event->emit("message"); // "" (Empty string)
  • Get the event listeners
// Get all listeners for a specific event
$listeners = $event->getListeners("message");

// Get all listeners for all events
$allListeners = $event->getListeners();
  • Remove a Specific Listener
$listener = function () {
    echo "This message will be removed.";

// Add the listener
$event->on("message", $listener);

// Remove the specific listener
$event->removeListener("message", $listener);

// Try emitting the event
$event->emit("message"); // No output since the listener has been removed
  • Remove All Listeners for a Specific Event
// Add multiple listeners to the event
$event->on("message", function () {
    echo "First listener";

$event->on("message", function () {
    echo "Second listener";

// Remove all listeners for the event

// Try emitting the event
$event->emit("message"); // No output since all listeners have been removed
  • Remove All Listeners for All Events
// Add listeners to different events
$event->on("message", function () {
    echo "Message listener";

$event->on("notification", function () {
    echo "Notification listener";

// Remove all listeners for all events

// Try emitting the events
$event->emit("message"); // No output since all listeners have been removed
$event->emit("notification"); // No output since all listeners have been removed

Available since version v1.0.1 and above

  • Defer the event to emit later
$event->on("message", function () {
    echo "The first message.\n";

$event->on("message", function () {
    echo "The second message.\n";

if ($shouldMessage) {
} else {
    // Other processes

// Other processes

// Dispatch all deferred events
$event->dispatch4deferred(); // If condition meet,
                             // "The first message."
                             // "The second message."
  • Add Subscriber to event
// Subscriber class must implement to `\NAL\Event\EventSubscriber`

class Conversation implements \NAL\Event\EventSubscriber {

    * @inheritDoc
    public function getEvents(): array
        return [
            "morning"   => "greeting",
            "afternoon" => "greeting",
            "goodbye"   => ["goodbye", "end"]

    public function greeting($time, $name)
        echo "Good $time, $name!\n";
    public function goodbye($name)
        echo "Goodbye, $name!\n";
    public function end()
        echo "Have a nice day!\n";

$event = new \NAL\Event\Event();

$event->subscribe(new Conversation());

$event->emit("morning", "Morning","David"); // "Good Morning, David!"

$event->emit("afternoon", "Afternoon", "John"); // "Good Afternoon, John!"

$event->emit("goodbye", "Alex"); // "Goodbye, Alex!"
                                 // "Have a nice day!"

// You can also unsubscribe the subscribed listener
$event->unsubscribe(new Conversation());