
Eloquent like library for Elasticsearch

v0.18.10 2024-12-06 16:49 UTC


Elasticsearch client for Eloquent ORM


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require nailfor/elasticsearch

or add

"nailfor/elasticsearch" : "*"

to the require section of your application's composer.json file.


Add config/app.php

    'providers' => [

and config/database.php

    'connections' => [
        'elasticsearch' => [ //the name of connection in your models(default)
            'driver'    => 'elasticearch',
            'config'    => [
                'BasicAuthentication' => [
                    env('ELASTICSEARCH_LOGIN', ''),
                    env('ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD', ''),
                'hosts'     => [
                    env('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', 'localhost:9200'),
                'retries'   => 1,

Example model

namespace App\Models\db\elastic;

use nailfor\Elasticsearch\Eloquent\Model;

class esSearch extends Model
    //protected $connection = 'elasticsearch'; //(default)

    //your index name
    protected $table='index';

Example select

esSearch::where('field', 'somedata')
    ->whereBetween('@timestamp', [$startDate, $endDate])
    ->whereIn('data.field', [1,3,4])

!!!ATTENTION!!! After v0.17.0 groups returns the query result!

Example groups

esSearch::where('', 'somedata')
    //group name "group" by field "data.field" without subgroups

    //group name "some_field" by field "some_field"
    //subgroup name "another" by field "another" and subgroup name "diff" and field ""
    ->groupBy('some_field', ['another', 'diff'=>'field.diff'])

    //another style
    ->groupBy(['grp'=>'field'], ['subgrp'=>'sub.field'])

esSearch::where('', 'somedata')
    //group name "group" by field "data.field" without subgroups with limit 10 items
    ->groupBy(['group' => 'data.field'])

//supported closure
esSearch::groupBy(['aggregation_name' => ''], fn ($query) => $query
    ->groupBy('some_field', fn ($subQuery) => $subQuery
        ->groupBy(['agg3' => 'another.field'])

Range aggregations

    //group field "price" by 3 group: <1000, 1000-2000 and >2000
    ->groupByRange('price', ['ranges'=>[['to' => '1000'], ['from' => '1000', 'to' => 2000], ['from'=>2000]]])

Date aggregations

    //group "group" by 2 dates: before NOW-1Day and after. This is NOT filter, this is group by condition!
    //all groups with name "group" will be merged
    ->groupByDateRange(['group'=>'date.field'], ['ranges'=>['to' => 'now-1y/d', 'from' => 'now-1y/d']])

Interval aggregations

    //group "date.field" by interval "hour"
    ->groupByInterval(['graph'=>'date.field'], ['interval' => 'hour'])

Average aggregations

    //group and calculate average value
    ->groupBy(['groupName' => 'field_for_group'])
    ->groupByAverage('groupName', ['field' => ''])

Min/max aggregations

    ->groupByMin('groupName', ['field' => ''])
    ->groupByMax('groupName', ['field' => ''])

Sum aggregations

    //group and calculate sum
    ->groupBy(['groupName' => 'field_for_group'])
    ->groupBySum('groupName', ['field' => ''])

Nested aggregations

//simple group 'nested_field' same of 'nested_field'

    //group name 'nested_group' by field 'nested.field'
    ->groupByNested(['nested_group' => 'nested.field']) 

    //By closures
    ->groupByNested(['nested_group' => 'nested.field'], fn ($query) => $query
        ->groupBy('some_field', fn ($subQuery) => $subQuery
            ->groupBy(['agg3' => 'another.field'])

Stats aggregations

    // or
    ->groupByStats(['group_name' => 'some_field'])

//You can combine them together
esSearch::groupByNested('nested_field', fn($query) => 
    $query->groupBy(['group' => ''], fn($query) => $query
        ->groupByStats(['values' => 'properties.value'])

Example fuzziness

$query = esSearch::query($searchString, [
    'fuzziness' => 1,
$collection = $query->get();

Example scroll API

$query = esSearch::scroll([
        'scroll' => '1m',
$collection = $query->get(); //first 10k(max) records
$collection = $query->get(); //next 10k(max) records...


        'scroll' => '1m',
    ->chunk(1000, function ($collection) {

Example suggest request

esSeartch::where('model', 'short')

esSeartch::suggest('my-clossure', fn ($query) => $query->where('color', 'black'))

$query = esSeartch::select([
    ->query($searchString, [
        'minimum_should_match'=> '50%',
        'fuzziness' => 'auto',
    ->suggest('my-1', fn ($query) => $query->where('size', 'xxl'))
    ->suggest('my-2', fn ($query) => $query->where('color', 'black'))
    ->suggest('my-3') //do nothing because there no "where" section
$collection = $query->get();

Example nested request

$query = esSeartch::select([])
    ->where('', 2)   //Attention!
    ->nested('category')        //Condition = 2 will be removed from the main body
    ->where('price', 100)       //But this condition will be added to the main body

    //also u can combine simple and complicated nested requests
    ->nested('brand', fn ($subQuery) => $subQuery           //$subQuery doesn't consist any conditions from the body
        ->whereIn('', ['Nike', 'Sony', 'LG'])
        ->nested('color', fn($subSubQuery) => $subSubQuery  //Also $subSubQuery doesn't consist conditions
            ->whereIn('', ['red', 'green'])      //Both of them doesn't affected the body condition 'price = 100'
    ->orNested('property', fn(subQuery) => $subQuery
        ->where('property.value', 'milked')

Example bulk insert

$records = [
        '_id' => 1,  //This is field MUST be into recordset, otherwise will be set uniqid()
        'field1' => 'data1',
        'field2' => 'data2',
        '_id' => 2,
        'field1' => 'some data1',
        'field2' => 'some data2',


Example post_filter

$query = esSearch::groupBy(['group' => ''])
    ->postFilter(fn($query) => $query
        ->where('field', 'value')


$query = esSearch::query() ->dd(true) //default false ;



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