
Easy and simple library to create and manage web sockets.

1.0 2019-11-02 11:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:28:54 UTC


NeoSocket is a very simple and lite library that can help you to manage your socket logics. if you are using NeoSocket you should use NeoSocket - JS Client for complete solution package.


  • Using composer
$ composer install mzohaibnaz/neosocket

How to use

Initializing NeoSocket

Initializing NeoSocket using SocketManager class

// Using neoSocket namespace
use NeoSocket\SocketManager;
// Initializing neoSocket with SocketManager
$ns = new  SocketManager();

Setup your socket

setup method will bind your socket on host localhost with port 6940 setup take 1 parameter as callback function

	// log on console socket is running
	print("\n\n Socket is Running \n\n");
Binding Socket to host/port

bind socket on different host and port using create method create take 2 parameter as (host, port)

$ns->create("localhost", 1414)->setup(function($socket){
	// log on console socket is running
	print("\n\n Socket is Running  on localhost with port 1414 \n\n");

Setup events

After socket is setup now setup all your events inside it. For setup events use on method. on method take 2 parameter (event_name, callback_function)

	// event setup callback take 2 parameter
	// first socket reference. second contain data from the client for that event
	function callback_fnc($socket, $data){
		// do something awesome here
	$socket->on("test", callback_fnc);
setup event with anonymous function
$socket->on("test", function($socket, $data){
	// do something awesome here

Default Event Types

NeoSocket library using 2 event types as default types to notify develop for new connection and disconnection of user.

  • connection for new connection
  • disconnected for disconnection of user
New Connection

connection event-type take 2 parameters in callback

  • socket reference
  • uid of new connection auto-generated
Example for new connection
	// default event whenever there is new connection
	$socket->on("connection", function($socket, $uid){
	// log on console about new user with unique id
	// $uid is a unique id for each user in socket
	print("\n new user is here with id: {$uid}");
	// tell other users that new user is here with event `newuser`
	// that will send data to javascript client of neoSocket with event `newuser`
	// for chat room example tell all other users that,
	// there is new user
	$socket->event("newUser")->send("new user with id! : ".$uid);
On user disconnected

disconnected event-type take 2 parameters in callback

  • socket reference
  • uid of disconnected user
Example for disconnected
$socket->on("disconnected", function($socket, $uid){
	echo  "\n user disconnected : {$uid} \n";
	// for chat room example tell other user that user is disconnected
	$socket->event("ondisconnect")->send("\n disconnected user with id! : {$uid} \n");

Run socket after setup

run method is used to actually run your socket server after all events are setup.

// Example #1

	// setup socket here

// Example #2 
$myserver = $ns->setup(function($socket){
	// setup socket here
$myserver->run(); // run socket to accept new connections

Data Sending

send method is used to send data on events. send method take 1 parameter as data ( string / array )

$socket->on("test", function($socket, $data){
	// send data to `test` event
	$socket->send("hello test");
	// send data as array to `test` event
# send data to other event

event method used to select event-type before sending data on it. event method take 1 parameter as event type

  • Example Code
	$socket->event("neo")->send("hello neo");
  • Full code
$socket->on("test", function($socket, $data){
	// send data to `test` event
	$socket->send("hello test");
	// send data to event type `neo`
	$socket->event("neo")->send("hello neo");
# send data to specific client

client method used to select client before sending data on it. client method take 1 parameter as client uid

  • Example Code
	$socket->client("testclient")->send("hello test user");
  • Full code
$socket->on("test", function($socket, $data){
	// send data to `test` event
	$socket->send("hello test event");
	// send data to only `testclient`
	$socket->client("testclient")->send("hello test user");

Get all clients with attributes

getClients is used to get list of all active clients in socket with their attributes

$clients = $socket->getClients();

Set client custom attributes

addAttr will help you to add attributes to your client object for additional information storage. addAttr take 2 parameters as key and value of an attribute.

Note: before adding attribute select client by client or clientByAttr method.

  • Example code
// for example you want to set first & last name for client

Get client by attribute

clientByAttr is used to select client like client method but by its attribute value. clientByAttr takes 3 parameters as mention below

  • key in which you want to search
  • value value of that key
  • referencevariable to store searched client . optional parameter

Note: if searched result is multiple code will select the very first matched client.

# Example Code
$socket->on("test", function($socket, $data){
	$found_client = false;
	// store selected client in found_client varible
	// and send message to selected client
	$socket->clientByAttr("username","test",$found_client)->send("hello test user");

Reset Instance References

reset method is used to reset selected event/client for that current socket reference within on method

  • when you call event/client method to select that selective statement remain until you call reset method. this can help you to perform chain actions. like example below

  • Code Example
$socket->on("test", function($socket, $data){
	// this line send data to event-type `test`
	$socket->send("send data to test event");
	// this line send data to event-type `neo`
	$socket->event("neo")->send("send data to neo event");
	// because neo is still selected,
	// this line will send data to neo event-type
	$socket->send("send data to neo event");
	// reset references
	// because all selective statements are reset,
	// now send will send data to `test` event-type,
	// because you are calling send method in `test`event
	$socket->send("hello test event-type");

How to do code chain

$socket->on("test", function($socket, $data){
	// simple example of code chain :)
	$socket->send("send data to test event")
	->event("neo")->send("send data to neo event");
	->send("send data to neo event because `neo` event is selected");
	->send("sending data to `testuser` with event-type `neo`")
	->send("sendinig data to `testuser but now with event-type `greating`")
	->send("send data to event-type `test` because references are reset!");

Dismiss Client

dismiss method used to disconnect client from socket. dismiss method take 1 parameter as client uid

  • Example Code
	// dismiss client from socket with uid
	// select client then dismiss it
	// select client by attribute and dismiss it
	$socket->clientByAttr("username", "test")->dismiss();
