CRM Provider library for generic crm usage

dev-master 2019-09-12 10:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 08:35:54 UTC


This repository acts as a CRM provider base for CRMs using OAuth. You can easily use this library to extend your CRM provider implementations. For instance, zoho, pipedrive etc. can easily be implemented to use Oauth using this CRM provider


Use composer to install this package. To install, add following in your compsoer.json

   "require": {
        "myoperator/crm": "dev-master"
    "repositories": [
            "url": "",
            "type": "vcs"

and then composer install to install the package.

Quick Start

Creating your CRM Class

Extend your MyCrm class from \MyOperator\Crm\CrmProvider class.

use \MyOperator\Crm\CrmProvider;

// Your Zoho provider
class MyCrm extends CrmProvider {
    // Your implementation here

Implement Refresh token mechanism

Once you extend this class, you get access to several methods, which will help you get access token and refresh token. You will need to implement refreshToken() method for your CRM controller to tell how to refresh token from your crm provider.

use \MyOperator\Crm\CrmProvider;

class MyCrm extends CrmProvider {

    /* *
     * Use this function to refresh the token as per your CRM implementation.
     * Return values should be either array ['access_token' => $token, 'timeout' => $timeout]
     * or simply a string of access token
     * @param $client_id Client id
     * @param $client_secret Client Secret
     * @param $refresh_token Refresh token
     * @return ['access_token' => $token, 'timeout' => $timeout] || $token
     * */
    function refreshToken($client_id, $client_secret, $refresh_token) {
        // This is only a sample implementation
        $response = $your_curl_lib->post("/token?refresh_token={$refresh_token}&client_id= {$client_id}&client_secret={$client_secret}&grant_type=refresh_token");
        return ['access_token' => $response['access_token'], 'timeout' => $response['expiry_in_secs']];

    function search($records) {
        // Implement your crm search here

Set your token provider

CrmProvider uses any token provider which implements MyOperator\Crm\TokenProvider class. You can use apitokenprovider.php as an example (from examples folder). Basic implementation follows:

use \MyOperator\Crm\TokenProvider;

class MyTokenProvider implements TokenProvider {

    public function getClientId() {
        // Implementation to get client id
    // Implement rest of the methods from TokenProvider


Now comes the final part. At this point, you will have two files:

  • MyCrm.php
  • MyTokenProvider.php

You can implement this as:

$company_id = 1;

$mycrm = new MyCrm($company_id);

$provider = new MyTokenProvider();

$results = $mycrm->search($record);

Available Methods


You can get the Bearer name by this method.

class MyCrm extends CrmProvider {

    function search(){
        // Bearer

You can also override this method to set custom bearer on your authorization headers. For example, zoho uses Zoho-oauthtoken as bearer. You can easily set this as:

class MyCrm extends CrmProvider {

    // This means our authorization header will look like
    // `Authorization: my-bearer $token`
    function getOauthTokenKey() {
        return 'my-bearer';


This gives you a MyOperator\Transport instance. You can use this to make get or post calls to your API.

class MyCrm extends CrmProvider {

	function search() {
		$curlTransport = $this->getTransport();
		$response = $curlTransport->post(
			['data' => 'some-data']
        	// {"some response": "in json"}

setHeader($key, $val)

You can also set custom headers to your crm endpoint, if you need so.

class MyClass extends CrmProvider {

	function search() {
        	$this->setHeader('a', 'b');
       		// Or $this->getTransport()->setHeaders(['a' => 'b']);
        	$response = $this->getTransport()->post('/some-endpoint',['data' => 'some-data']);
        	// {"some response": "in json"}

Sample Zoho CRM Provider

Lets implement ZohoCrm class to search leads. Lets say we wish to search records and create lead. We can easily implement this.

use \MyOperator\Crm\CrmProvider;

class ZohoCrm extends CrmProvider{

    // Zoho uses Zoho-oauthtoken as bearer
    function getOauthTokenKey() {
        return 'Zoho-oauthtoken';

    // Zoho implementation to refresh token
    function refreshToken($client_id, $client_secret, $refresh_token) {
        $transport = $this->getTransport();
        $response = $transport->post("{$refresh_token}&client_id={$client_id}&client_secret={$client_secret}&grant_type=refresh_token");
        $response =  $response->json();
        return ['access_token' => $response['access_token'], 'timeout' => $response['expiry_in_secs']];

    // This searches Zoho CRM for phone records
    public function searchByPhone($phonenumber) {
        $criteria = "((Phone:equals:{$phonenumber})or(Mobile:equals:{$phonenumber}))";

        // You can use your own curl lib here as well
        $curl_lib = $this->getTransport();

        try { 
            $response = $curl_lib->get(
                ['criteria' => $criteria]
            if($response->getStatus() == 204) {
                return null;
            return $response->json();
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            // Some zoho exception occured. Handle it
            throw $e;

Handling expired token

The Major benefit of using \MyOperator\Crm\CrmProvider library is to handle things such as exception handling, refreshing tokens automatically and providing a basic curl transport mechanism.

Hence, any method you create on the class that extends \MyOperator\Crm\CrmProvider class, it automatically makes a call to refresh your token. Remember having the need to implement refreshToken method in your class? This is where the magic is.

\MyOperator\Crm\CrmProvider interally searches for refreshToken method in your class to get the refreshed access_token and timeout.

Essentially, the method your wrote earlier can be thought as:

class MyCrm {

    function refreshToken($client_id, $client_secret, $refresh_token) {
        // This is only a sample implementation
        $response = $your_curl_lib->post("/token?refresh_token={$refresh_token}&client_id= {$client_id}&client_secret={$client_secret}&grant_type=refresh_token");
        return ['access_token' => $response['access_token'], 'timeout' => $response['expiry_in_secs']];

    function search($record) {
        try {
            // Your crm search api
        } catch(\Exception $e) {
            if ($e->getCode() === 401) {
                list($accesstoken, $expiry) = $this->refreshToken($clientid, $clientsecret, $refreshtoken);
                // Set access token in headers using your curl library
                // Your crm search api (again)
            } else {
                // throw all other exceptions as they are
                throw $e;


Implement following testcases:

  • unit
  • integration