mvccore/mvccore dependents (67) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Media & Localization - extension to manage website localizations (language or language and locale). For any HTTP method, multi or single language (or lang. with locale) patterns and reverses, URL addresses like `/en/path` or `/en-US/path`, very configurable.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Media - extension to manage website media versions (full/tablet/mobile) for different templates/CSS/JS files rendering, optionally contained in URL address in the beginning.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Media & Localization - extension to manage website media versions (full/tablet/mobile) for different templates/CSS/JS files rendering and to manage website localizations (language or language and locale), optionaly contained in url address in the beinning.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Modules - extension to manage multiple websites in a single project, defined by domain routes, targeted by module property in URL completing.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Modules With Localization - extension to manage multiple websites in a single project and to manage website localizations (language or language and locale), optionaly contained in a domain or in URL address in the beginning.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Modules With Media - extension to manage multiple websites in a single project and to manage website media versions (full/tablet/mobile) for different templates/CSS/JS files rendering, optionally contained in a domain or in URL address in the beginning.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Router - Modules With Media & Localization - extension to manage multiple websites in a single project, to manage website media versions (full/tablet/mobile) for different templates/CSS/JS files rendering and to manage website localizations (language or language and locale), optionally contained in URL address in the beginning.

  • C#


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - CLI - Windows Fork - .NET Framework 4 utility for CLI calls via PHP `shell_exec()` or `system()` to fork new process in background.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - Csp - utility to easilly complete `Content-Security-Policy` HTTP header.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - Image - object oriented image processing tool supporting many popular web images operations.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Tool - TypeScript Generator - utility to easilly generate TypeScript classes, interfaces or enums from PHP equivalents.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Translator - abstract class and interface support code to create more sofisticated translators.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Translator - CSV - simple CSV translator implementation.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - abstract class code and interface support code to create more sofisticated view helpers with better setup and protected properties.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - View - Helper - Assets - to group, render, minify and cache javascript and css files, to prepare all application assets for final application packing.