mvccore/mvccore dependents (68) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Cache - Redis - cache implementation extension for Redis.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Config - Cached - extension to use cached configuration files across multiple environments.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Config - YAML - extension to have YAML configuration files syntax.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Controller - DataGrid - extension to define and render datagrid component by model class.

  • JavaScript


    MvcCore - Extension - Controller - DataGrid - AgGrid - extension for administration environments with AgGrid JS/TS front-end.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - adapter class for Nette Framework `tracy/tracy` library.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Auth - render and add into tracy debug panel currently authenticated user from \MvcCore\Ext\Auth service singleton instance, printed by \Tracy\Dumper::toHtml(\MvcCore\Ext\Auth::GetInstance()->GetUser());.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Database - render queries with params and execution times.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel MvcCore - render and add into tracy debug panel current MvcCore application instance, printed by \Tracy\Dumper::toHtml(\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()); to display main application objects used to render current page response. Rendered objects inside MvcCore app: \MvcCore\Request, \MvcCore\Response, \MvcCore\Router, \MvcCore\Controller, all preroute, predispatch and postdispatch configured handlers and many other internal application values.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Refresh - automatic refresh of current browser tab on selected server directory changes.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Routing - render and add into tracy debug panel all configured routes in current MvcCore application router and to display currently matched route.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Session - render and add into tracy debug panel $_SESSION content and \MvcCore\Session namespaces content.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - form extension with base classes to create and render web forms with HTML5 controls, to handle and validate submited user data, to manage forms sessions for default values, to manage user input errors and to extend and develop custom fields and field groups.

  • mvccore/ext-form-all

    MvcCore - Extension - Form - All - form extension with with all form packages to create and render web forms with HTML5 controls, to handle and validate submited user data, to manage forms sessions for default values, to manage user input errors and to extend and develop custom fields and field groups.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Form - Field - Button - form field types - button:submit, button:reset, input:submit, input:reset and image.