mvccore/ext-debug-tracy dependents (14) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database and extended models.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database, with authentication, with multilanguage routes and mobile version.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database and separated document root.

  • PHP


    MvcCore Example - MariaDB Global Logs Explorer

  • mvccore/ext-debug-tracy-all

    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - All - adapter class for Nette Framework `tracy/tracy` library with all implemented debug panels for MvcCore.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Auth - render and add into tracy debug panel currently authenticated user from \MvcCore\Ext\Auth service singleton instance, printed by \Tracy\Dumper::toHtml(\MvcCore\Ext\Auth::GetInstance()->GetUser());.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Database - render queries with params and execution times.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel MvcCore - render and add into tracy debug panel current MvcCore application instance, printed by \Tracy\Dumper::toHtml(\MvcCore\Application::GetInstance()); to display main application objects used to render current page response. Rendered objects inside MvcCore app: \MvcCore\Request, \MvcCore\Response, \MvcCore\Router, \MvcCore\Controller, all preroute, predispatch and postdispatch configured handlers and many other internal application values.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Refresh - automatic refresh of current browser tab on selected server directory changes.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Routing - render and add into tracy debug panel all configured routes in current MvcCore application router and to display currently matched route.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Extension - Debug - Tracy - Panel Session - render and add into tracy debug panel $_SESSION content and \MvcCore\Session namespaces content.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Project - Basic - basic website project, not designed for full portable build/pack.

  • PHP


    MvcCore - Project - Basic - basic website project, designed for full portable build/pack.