
Simple Binance API Wrapper, written in PHP. Includes the basics and assumes you know your way around.

0.2.4 2019-03-15 15:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 17:36:46 UTC


Simple Binance API Wrapper, written in PHP. Includes some basic methods to work with the API and assumes you know your way around. Check out the Binance API Documentation for more information about the available endpoints. Will throw an exception when errors are encountered.

Please note:

  • Does NOT include mechanism to intercept rate limit.
  • Comes without any support.
  • Use at your own risk.

Getting started

composer require mvaessen/binance-api

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$api = new Mvaessen\BinanceApi\Client('<api key>','<secret>');

Get account information

$result = $api->account();
print $result;
Public endpoint call
$result = $api->queryPublic('<method>', '<endpoint>', '<request>');
Private endpoint call
$result = $api->queryPrivate('<method>', '<endpoint>', '<request>');

Custom error reporting

You can choose to overwrite the processErrorCode and processException methods to report the errors to your favorite bugreporting software.

namespace App;

use Mvaessen\BinanceApi\BinanceApiException;
use Mvaessen\BinanceApi\Client;

class BinanceApi extends Client
   protected function processErrorCode($response, $method, $url, $request)
       //todo report to bugtracking software

       throw new BinanceApiException($response['msg']);
   protected function processException($e, $method, $url, $request)
       //todo report to bugtracking software

       throw new BinanceApiException($e->getMessage());