
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Mutant S3Crawler.

dev-master 2018-05-29 12:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 03:27:46 UTC


S3 Crawler

  • This is an S3 crawler. It crawls the web for open S3 buckets based on what essentially amounts to a brute force url search from a wordlist file.

Usage via command line

  1. Clone repo and run composer install.

  2. php index.php <namefile>

Usage in Laravel

  1. composer require mutant/s3crawler:dev-master

OR Add this to composer.json and run composer update mutant/s3crawler

  "require": {
    "mutant/s3crawler": "dev-master"
  1. composer.json might need minimum stability set:
  "minimum-stability": "dev",
  1. use php artisan mutant:s3-bucket-crawler {--inputfile=}
  • Your input file is a line separated word list. There are usable word lists in the wordlist folder of this package.