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A wrapper class for the BulletHQ API

dev-master 2014-01-26 15:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 23:05:49 UTC


BulletHQ is an online Invoicing and payroll application, for more information visit

BulletHQ have a great API and it's already quite easy to work with. The class file in src/bullethq.php was created to learn the API and perhaps make it a tiny bit easier for other PHP developers to use it.


First, add your username and API key to and then in your PHP file(s) use the following:

Add the following at the top of your PHP page

$bullet = new \bullethq\bullethq($username, $password);

####Retrieve Client data####

$clients = $bullet->get('clients'); // to receive a list of all existing clients

$client = $bullet->get('clients', '12345'); // to receive the details attached to a specific client, where 12345 is a client ID taken from the initial list of clients

####Retrieve Invoice data####

$invoices = $bullet->get('invoices'); // to receive all existing invoices

$invoice = $bullet->get('invoices', '12345'); // to receive a specific invoice

####Retrieve Supplier data####

$suppliers = $bullet->get('suppliers'); // to receive all existing suppliers

$supplier = $bullet->get('suppliers', '12345'); // to receive a specific supplier

####Retrieve Client payment data####

$client_payments = $bullet->get('clientPayments'); // to retrieve all client payments

$client_payment = $bullet->get('clientPayments', '28854'); // to retrieve a client payment

####Submit new Client####

$new_client_data = array(
    "name" => "New Client name",
    "addressLine1" => "address 1",
    "addressLine2" => "address 2",
    "email" => "",
    "phoneNumber" => "123456789",
    "vatNumber" => "ei23456",
    "country" => "Ireland"

$new_client = $bullet->post('clients', $new_client_data);

####Submit new Invoice####

$new_invoice_data = array(
    "clientName" => "Sample Client Name",
    "currency" => "EUR",
    "invoiceNumber" => 100,
    "issueDate" => "2014-01-01",
    "dueDate" => "2014-01-01",
    "draft" => true,
    "invoiceLines" => array(array(
        "quantity" => 1,
        "rate" => "500",
        "vatRate" => 0.23,
        "description" => "Testing",
        "item" => "Day"

$new_invoice = $bullet->post('invoices', $new_invoice_data);

####Submit new Supplier####

$new_supplier_data = array(
    "name" => "New Supplier 1",
    "addressLine1" => "address 1",
    "addressLine2" => "address 2",
    "phoneNumber" => "123456789",
    "vatNumber" => "ei23456",
    "country" => "Ireland"

$new_supplier = $bullet->post('suppliers', $new_supplier_data);

####Submit new client payment data####

$new_payment_data = array(
    'amount' => '100', // The Euro amount that the client has paid
    'dateReceived' => '2014-01-01',
    'currency' => 'EUR',
    'bankAccountId' => 1234, // Your Bank account ID in Bullet HQ
    'clientId' => 12345, // The client that has made a payment
    'invoiceIds' => array(array('1234')) // An existing Invoice ID that a client is paying

$new_payment = $bullet->post('clientPayments', $new_payment_data);

####Delete Invoice data####

$bullet->delete('invoices', '12345'); // delete an invoice  (note: this is not YOUR invoice ID, it is BulletHQ's ID for the record)

$results = $bullet->delete_all('invoices'); // delete all invoices (lists all invoices first then deletes them individually)

####Delete Client data####

$bullet->delete('clients', '12345'); // delete a client (note: all payment data attached to the client must be deleted first

$results = $bullet->delete_all('clients'); // delete all invoices (lists all invoices first then deletes them individually)

####Delete Supplier data####

$bullet->delete('suppliers', '12345'); // delete a supplier (note: all payment data attached to the client must be deleted first

$results = $bullet->delete_all('suppliers'); // delete all suppliers (lists all suppliers first then deletes them individually)

####Delete Client Payment data####

$bullet->delete('clientPayments', '12345'); // delete a client payment 

$results = $bullet->delete_all('clientPayments'); // delete all client payments

##Test status##

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