
Masquearde is a library with a handful of methods to help you work with text manipulation.

1.3.3 2023-02-27 17:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 20:14:21 UTC


A PHP Text Manipulation Library

Static Analisys (PHP-STAN)

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Masquerade is a library with a handful of methods to help you work with text manipulation, so you (hopefully) don't need to google regex expressions for the thousandth time. It is intended to manipulate short strings such as form inputs and alike, even providing masking/formatting methods.


  • PHP: ^7.4|8.*
  • Composer


composer require murilomagalhaes/masquerade


  • Once the package is installed, call it on your working file.
use Masquerade\Masquerade
  • Use the set() method to start chaining filters, masks, and/or whatever other methods available
Masquerade::set("Phone: (Brazil) +55 61999995555'")
    ->mask('## (##) #####-####')
    ->getText(); // Returns: "55 (61) 99999-5555"


  • Filtering
Masquerade::set("I got 99 problems but regex ain't one!")
    ->only('letters', 'whitespaces')
    ->getText(); // Returns: "I got problems but regex aint one!"

Masquerade::set("Phone: +55 00 99999-5555")
    ->getText(); // Returns "5500999995555"

Masquerade::set("Assistant (to the) regional manager")
    ->between('(', ')')
    ->getText(); // Returns "to the"

Masquerade::set("Hello, Universe")
    ->getText(); // Returns: "Universe"

Masquerade::set("I got 998 problems, but regex ain't one!")
    ->only('letters', 'whitespaces') // Note that the "numbers" type is missing, so all numbers should be filtered out.
    ->getText(), // Returns: "I got 8 problems but regex aint one!". The '8' was kept by the ignore() method

Masquerade::set("Hablo Español y Português")
    ->getText(); // Returns: "Hablo Espanol y Portugues"
  • Masking | Formatting
Masquerade::set("Phone: (Brazil) +55 00999995555'")
    ->mask('## (##) #####-####')
    ->getText(); // Returns: "55 (00) 99999-5555"

    ->getText(); // Returns: "000.111.222-34"
  • Custom methods (Macros)
use Masquerade\StringHandler;

Masquerade::macro('maskAsPhone', function(StringHandler $handler){
    return $handler->only('numbers')->mask('(##) #####-####');

Masquerade::set('Number: 00999995555')
    ->getText(); // Returns: "(00) 99999-5555"
  • Getters
$text = Masquerade::set('YMCA');


$text->getText(); // Returns: "Y-M-C-A"
$text->getUnmaskedText(); // Returns: "YMCA"

Available Methods

Method Signature Description
set(string $text): Masquerade Creates a new Masquerade instance, and defines the text string to be used by the chained methods.
only(...$filter_types): Masquerade Keeps only the character types defined on the $filter_types parameter. Available types: 'letters', 'numbers', 'punctuation' and 'whitespaces'
The following characters are understood as punctuation , . : ; ? ¿ ! ¡ -
ignore(... $character) The defined characters won't be removed by the only(). Must be called BEFORE the only() method to take effect
strip(...$characters): Masquerade Removes the defined characters from the text string
between(string $before, string $after): Masquerade Keeps only the characters between the $before and $after parameters;
removeAccents(): Masquerade Removes all character's accents.
mask(string $pattern): Masquerade Applies the defined pattern to the text string
format(string $pattern): Masquerade Alias to the mask method
trim(): Masquerade Removes trailing and multiple spaces/tabs from the text string
(Method always aplied on class __toString() and getText() methods)
static::macro(string $name, callable $callback): void Defines a macro/custom method
getText(): string Returns the text string
getOriginalText(): string Returns the text string on it's original state
getUnmaskedText(): string Returns the text string before maskking