
Boilerplate for a standard setup of Wordpress with Municipio

4.0.0 2022-05-03 13:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 00:30:37 UTC


Boilerplate for a standard setup of Wordpress with Municipio

How to install

  1. Create project with Composer
    composer create-project municipio/municipio-boilerplate-standard <folder>
  2. Update package name, author and description in composer.json and package.json.
  3. Duplicate all example files in /config and update them to match your setup.
  4. Create your empty database.
  5. Run valet link.
  6. Run valet open and then the Wordpress install wizard.

Install and activate ACF Pro

  1. Create a .env file and add your ACF Pro key.
  2. Install ACF Pro:
    composer require "advanced-custom-fields/advanced-custom-fields-pro":"*"
  3. Activate the ACF Pro plugin:
    wp plugin activate advanced-custom-fields-pro

Format code using Prettier

  1. Run yarn install to install Prettier.
  2. Run yarn format to format all applicable files.
  3. Install a sutiable Prettier plugin for you aditor to format files automatically on save.
  4. Also install the Editorconfig for your editor to format files not supported by Prettier.