
It is a library that allows to use JSon files as database.

1.0 2022-04-23 03:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-24 12:30:00 UTC


It is a library that allows to use JSON files as database.

Note : Do not use this library for big data. This library is suitable for use only for very small data.


  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • PHP JSON Extension


Include the JSonBase.php file and let it know in which directory to keep the JSon files.

composer require muhammetsafak/jsonbase


require_once 'src/Base.php';
$jsonbase_dir = __DIR__ . '/data/';
$jsonbase = new \JSONBase\Base($jsonbase_dir);

Table Create

For JsonBase, each table is actually a .json file.


Definition of create_table() method:

public function create_table(string $name): bool


$data = array("col_name" => "Value", "column" => "columnsValue");
$jsonbase->insert("table_name", $data);

Definition of insert() method

public function insert(string $from, array $data): bool

Multi Insert

$data = array(
    array("col_name" => "Value", "column" => "columnsValue"),
    array("col_name" => "Value2", "column" => "columnsValue2")
$jsonbase->multiInsert("table_name", $data);

Definition of multiInsert() method

public function multiInsert(string $from, array $data): bool

This method may throw an error if $data is not a multi-array.


$data = ["column" => "newValue", "col" => "colNewValue"];
$where = ["columnName" => "colValue"];
$jsonbase->update("table_name", $where, $data);

Definition of update() method

public function update(string $from, array $where, array $data = []): bool


$where = ["id" => "340"];
$jsonbase->delete("table_name", $where);

Definition of delete() method

public function delete(string $from, array $where): bool


It tries to completely delete the table and its contents.

Definition of drop() method

public function drop(string $from): bool




Empties all data in a table by deleting it.

public function truncate(string $from): bool




Changes the name of a table.

public function rename(string $from, string $rename): bool


$jsonbase->rename("old_table_name", "new_table_name");


Allows a table to be copied along with its data.

Caution: If there is a different table with the table name to be copied, it will overwrite (delete) it to avoid conflicts.

public function copy(string $from, string $copyName): bool


$jsonbase->copy("table_name", "table_name_copy");


It allows you to download the JSonBase file. This method will try to initiate a download via the browser by adding a timestamp to the filename along with its contents.

public function download(string $from): void



It stops the PHP script after it. It does nothing if the requested table does not exist.


Returns the loaded table names as an array.

public function tables(): array


foreach($jsonbase->tables() as $table_name){
    echo $table_name;

produces a similar output:



Returns the total size of the table in bytes.

public function size(string $from): int 


foreach($jsonbase->tables() as $table_name){
    echo $table_name . " : " . $jsonbase->size($table_name) . ' Byte';

produces a similar output:

users : 503 Byte
settings : 373 Byte
posts : 4392 Byte


Returns the total number of rows in the table.

public function rowSize(string $from): int


foreach($jsonbase->tables() as $table_name){
    echo $table_name . " : " . $jsonbase->rowSize($table_name) . ' rows';

produces a similar output:

users : 5 rows
settings : 12 rows
posts : 8 rows


You can use the select(), from() and where() methods to create a query in the JSonBase library.

select() It is used to generate a Json query. Specifies the columns in the results from the row() and rows() methods. * means all columns. If more than one column is desired, they must be separated by ,.

Definition of select() method

public function select(string $select = '*'): self

from() It is used to generate a Json query. Indicates on which Json the query to be executed with get() method will be executed.

Definition of from() method

public function from(string $from): self

$from a table name.

where() It is used to generate a Json query. Creates a where array for the query to be executed with the get() method. Multiple matches can be made using this method chaining.

Definition of where() method

public function where(string $key, string $value): self

$key a column name

$value value in column

Multiple where can be added using the where() method multiple times in a row or chaining.

The query constructed with the from() and where() methods should be executed with the get() method.

get() Execute the query created with the select(), from() and where() methods and get the results if any. You can access the results obtained with this method with the row(), rows() methods.

Definition of get() method

public function get(): self


You can access the results obtained by executing the get() method with the row(), rows() methods.

row() Returns the first result obtained as an associative array.

Definition of row() method

public function row(): array|false

rows() Returns the resulting results as an associative array.

Definition of rows() method

public function rows(): array|false


num_rows() Returns the number of rows affected.

Definition of num_rows() method

public function num_rows(): int


Suppose we have a students.json file like the one below.


Example 1 :

$jsonbase->select('name')->from('students')->where('id', '885')->get();
$size = $jsonbase->num_rows();
if($size > 0){
    $row = $jsonbase->row();
    echo $row['name'];
    echo 'Result not found!';



Example 2 :

$jsonbase->select('id, name')->from('students')->where('sex', 'male')->get();
$size = $jsonbase->num_rows();
if($size > 0){
    foreach($jsonbase->rows() as $row){
        echo $row['id'] . " - " . $row['name'] . "\n";
    echo 'Result not found!';


885 - Muhammet
956 - John

Example 3 :

$jsonbase->select('id, name')->from('students')->where('sex', 'famale')->where('age', '17')->get();
$size = $jsonbase->num_rows();
if($size > 0){
    foreach($jsonbase->rows() as $row){
        echo $row['id'] . " - " . $row['name'] . "\n";
    echo 'Result not found!';


957 - Jennifer

Getting Help

If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.

Getting Involved

All contributions to this project will be published under the MIT License. By submitting a pull request or filing a bug, issue, or feature request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.

There are two primary ways to help:

  • Using the issue tracker, and
  • Changing the code-base.

Using the issue tracker

Use the issue tracker to suggest feature requests, report bugs, and ask questions. This is also a great way to connect with the developers of the project as well as others who are interested in this solution.

Use the issue tracker to find ways to contribute. Find a bug or a feature, mention in the issue that you will take on that effort, then follow the Changing the code-base guidance below.

Changing the code-base

Generally speaking, you should fork this repository, make changes in your own fork, and then submit a pull request. All new code should have associated unit tests that validate implemented features and the presence or lack of defects. Additionally, the code should follow any stylistic and architectural guidelines prescribed by the project. In the absence of such guidelines, mimic the styles and patterns in the existing code-base.



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