
An implementation of microKanren in PHP.

v0.1.0 2014-02-01 18:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-28 04:20:56 UTC


A PHP implementation of Jason Hemann and Daniel P. Friedman's µKanren.


Add the following to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "mudge/php-microkanren": "v0.1.0"


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use MicroKanren\Core as U;

$f = U\callFresh(function ($q) {
  return U\eq($q, 5);

echo $f(U\emptyState());
/* => (((#(0) . 5)) . 1) */

Inside the MicroKanren\Core namespace, there are implementations of the core µKanren functions as described in the original paper as well as common Lisp primitives needed for their execution. As the reference implementation is in Chez Scheme, this implementation attempts to mimic that particular Lisp as closely as possible.

Lisp Primitives

cons($car, $cdr)

$c = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil())));

Return a new cons cell with $car and $cdr (this is the most basic primitive for creating lists).


$c = cons(1, cons(2, nil()));
/* => 1 */

Return the first element of $alist.


$c = cons(1, cons(2, nil()));
/* => cons(2, nil()) */

Return the rest of the $alist.


$n = nil();
$n === nil();
/* => true */

Return the empty list. Note that all instances of nil are identical.


isPair(cons(1, nil())); /* => true  */
isPair(4);              /* => false */
isPair(nil());          /* => false */

Return true if $obj is a valid pair (viz. a cons cell that is not the empty list, equivalent to Petite Scheme's pair?).


isNull(nil());          /* => true  */
isNull(cons(1, nil())); /* => false */

Return true is $obj is the empty list (equivalent to Petite Scheme's null?).

assp($proc, $alist)

$list = alist(cons(1, 'a'), cons(2, 'b'));
$isEven = function ($x) { return $x % 2 === 0; };

assp($isEven, $list);
/* => cons(2, 'b') */

"Return the first element of $alist for whose car $proc returns true, or false." — Petite Scheme's assp


alist(1, 2, 3);
/* => cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil()))) */

A convenience function for constructing cons cells, equivalent to Petite Scheme's list.


length(alist(1, 2, 3));
/* => 3 */

Return the length of $alist.

map($proc, $alist)

$list = alist(1, 2, 3);
map(function ($x) { return $x + 1; }, $list);
/* => alist(2, 3, 4) */

Return a list resulting in applying $proc to each value in $alist.

µKanren functions


Return a new variable containing an index $c (equivalent to var).


Returns true if $x is a variable (equivalent to var?).

isVariableEquals($x1, $x2)

Returns true if $x1 and $x2 refer to the same variable (equivalent to var=?).


Return the empty stream (equivalent to mzero).

walk($u, $s)

Searches for a variable's value in the substitution. If a non-variable term is walked, return that term.

extS($x, $v, $s)

Extends the substitution with a new binding (equivalent to ext-s).


Lifts the state into a stream whose only element is that state.

unify($u, $v, $s)

Unifies two terms in a substitution.

eq($u, $v)

Returns a goal that succeeds if two terms unify in the received state (equivalent to from the paper and == from the reference implementation).


Returns a goal given a unary function whose body is a goal (equivalent to call/fresh).

mplus($d1, $d2)

Merges streams.

bind($d, $g)

Invokes a goal on each element of a stream.

disj($g1, $g2)

Returns a goal that succeeds if either of the given goals succeed.

conj($g1, $g2)

Returns a goal that succeeds if both given goals succeed.


Returns a state with an empty substitution and variable index set to 0 (equivalent to empty-state).


Advances a stream until it matures.


Returns all results from a stream (equivalent to take-all).

take($n, $d)

Returns a $n results from a stream.


Returns a string name for a given number (equivalent to reify-name).

reifyS($v, $s)

Reifies a state's substitution with respect to a variable (equivalent to reify-s).

walkStar($v, $s)

Equivalent to walk*.


Equivalent to reify-1st.

See the test suite for more examples of usage.



Copyright © 2014 Paul Mucur.

Distributed under the MIT License.