Earl is a single class library for parsing, building, modifying, and printing URL strings.

v0.1 2021-02-16 00:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-16 07:51:29 UTC


Earl is a single class library for parsing, building, modifying, and printing URL strings.

Inspired by libraries like jQuery and Requests for Python, it aims to make working with URLs as convenient as possible.


use Earl\Url;


// From a string
$url1 = Url::from('https://website.com/my/path?key=value');

// From another Earl\Url 
$url2 = Url::from($url1); 

// From an array
$url3 = Url::from([
    'host' => 'website.com',
    'path' => '/my/path',
    'query' => ['key' => 'value']  // can also use 'q'

// cloneable
$url4 = clone $url3;

// Create empty url
$url5 = new Url();


$urlString = (string) $url;
$urlString = $url->str();


$url = new Url();

// Argument sets value

// No arguments gets value 
$host = $url->host();

// Fluent setters
    ->path($url->path() . '/morepath');

assert($url == 'https://website.com/my/path/morepath');

Working with query data

// Get param value

// Get entire query

// Set query param
$url->q('a', 1);

// Set entire query
$url->q(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2])

// Null values will not appear in URL string
$url->q('a', null);

Query encoding and decoding has the same behavior as parse_url and http_build_query

$url = Url::from('http://website.com?a=%28myparam%29%21+is+encoded');
assert($url->q('a') == '(myparam)! is encoded');

$url = Url::from('http://website.com')->q('a', '(myparam)! is encoded');
assert($url == 'http://website.com?a=%28myparam%29%21+is+encoded');

Partial URLs

If the host is omitted, the URL will be a "partial" URL consisting of only the path, query, and fragment.

$url = Url::from([
    'path' => '/my/path', 
    'q' => ['a' => 1],
    'fragment' => 'frag

assert($url == '/my/path?a=1#frag');


$url = Url::from('http://website.com')

assert($url == 'http://me%40email.com:secret@website.com');

Global defaults

You may be working in a context where most of the URLs you build will have the same scheme, host, etc. You can set global defaults for these values:

Url::defaults(['scheme' => 'https', 'host' => 'www.mywebsite.com']);

$url = Url::from('/my/path?a=1');
assert($url == 'https://www.mywebsite.com/my/path?a=1');

// Clear defaults

The default scheme is https

Currently only scheme and host are supported as defaults.