
Realtime Node JS Chat with PHP/MySQL persistency

dev-master 2017-01-03 02:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 12:07:31 UTC


Realtime Node JS Chat with PHP/MySQL persistency

How to install

  1. I assume you have set up your server with Node, PHP and MySQL. There is many tutorials out there.
  2. You are familiar with those techs, at least basic / intermediate level.
  3. Make the server.js node app run, inside the node folder. Maybe you want to use some manager like PM2
  4. Watch the paths in the index.html (there is comments in the code there)
  5. Install the database in the server folder. Also, change the settings at pdo.php
  6. Modify it freely!

Perhaps you will need to liberate the port 3000, or another port if you specify that.

This is given as is, I hope it helps you in some way. Just leave my comments by @mriso_dev somewhere in the code.