
Routing attributes for Slim Framework

0.0.1 2021-12-27 11:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 16:16:53 UTC


PHP8 attributes for easier and cleaner routing in Slim.

Table of contents


SlimRoutes requires >= PHP 8.1

composer require mrcl/slim-routes




#[Controller] marks a controller class as routable.

use Mrcl\SlimRoutes\Attribute\Controller;

class UserController

Controller parameters

Parameter Description
pattern Prefixes all routes' pattern
middleware Adds middleware to all routes
version Specify the basic API version(s) for all routes
Can get overriden by route
groupId Group all routes by specific group configuration
Can get overriden by route


#[Route] maps a route to an action.
By default, it uses the GET method.

use Mrcl\SlimRoutes\Attribute\Route;

class ViewUserAction
    public function __invoke

-> GET /users/{id}
use Mrcl\SlimRoutes\Attribute\Controller;
use Mrcl\SlimRoutes\Attribute\Route;
use Mrcl\SlimRoutes\Routing\HttpMethod;

class UserController
    public function getUser

    #[Route(method: HttpMethod::POST)]
    public function addUser

-> GET  /users/{id}
-> POST /users

Route parameters

Parameter Description
pattern Route pattern
method HTTP method(s)
middleware Route middleware
version Specify the route's API version(s)
groupId Use specific group configuration
priority Prioritize route
name Unique route name


Minimal configuration

For a minimal configuration you only need to pass an instance of the Slim/App (or any other class which implements Slim\Interfaces\RouteCollectorInterface or Slim\Interfaces\RouteCollectorProxyInterface) and directories where your action/controller classes are located.

use Mrcl\SlimRoutes\SlimRoutes;
use Slim\Factory\AppFactory;

$app = AppFactory::create();
$sr = new SlimRoutes(
    __DIR__ . '/../src'

Note: #[Controller(version, groupId)] and #[Route(version. groupId, priority)] do not work without configuration.

Configuration options


Recommended for production usage.


Additional directory

Add another directory to search for routable classes.


File name pattern

You can minimize the amount of scanned classes by setting a file name/extension pattern (regex).
Recommended if you have a lot of other classes in your folders and/or you do not use caching (e.g. in development).

$sr->setFileNamePattern($fileNamePattern, $fileExtensionPattern = 'php')

All wanted file names end with 'Controller' and file extensions are 'php' or 'PHP'

Regex: /^(.+Controller)\.(php|PHP)$/
setFileNamePattern('.+Controller', 'php|PHP')

Options for *Action.php and *Controller.php files are ready to use.

$sr->useActionFilePattern($fileExtensionPattern = 'php')
// OR
$sr->useControllerFilePattern($fileExtensionPattern = 'php')



For more details, see Advanced grouping with groups.

API version


For more details, see API versioning.

Route priority

If you want to prioritize your routes, you need to enable it first. Predefined constants are available in RoutePriority.

$sr->enableRoutePrioritization($defaultPriority = RoutePriority::NORMAL)

If you plan to use your own range of priorities, you can pass a defaultPriority. Priorities are simple integers, the lower the number the higher the priority (better position in the route stack).

Change mapping of ANY

The special HttpMethod::ANY maps "any" HTTP method to your route.

By default, it maps to GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and OPTIONS (like in Slim).

You can configure it to your own needs:

$sr->setAnyHttpMethods($methods, $override = true)

Further information

Route patterns

Leading slash

You may have noticed that all route patterns in this documentation do not use a leading /. They are automatically added on route generation.
If you prefer to use leading slashes, just use them.

Pattern order

Depending on Slim configuration a base path or group can be the first pattern element.



Unlike in Slim added middleware runs in the order you set it.

#[Controller('users', [FirstMiddleware::class, SecondMiddleware::class])]
class UserController {
    #[Route(middleware: [ThirdMiddleware::class, FourthMiddleware::class])] 
    public function getAllUsers

Request > FirstMiddleware > SecondMiddleware > ThirdMiddleware > FourthMiddleware
FourthMiddleware > ThirdMiddleware > SecondMiddleware > FirstMiddleware > Response`

Middleware order

Added middleware on Slim level is always the first to be run.


HTTP methods

SlimRoutes comes with predefined constants of the most used HTTP methods.
Also see, Change mapping of ANY.

Grouping routes

Controller pattern

By using the #[Controller] attribute you have the option to pass a pattern which prefixes all routes within the class.

class UserController {
    public function getAllUsers
    public function getUser

-> GET /users
-> GET /users/{id}

Advanced grouping with groups

If you want to simply group action classes or have a more complex route setup and do not want to reassign patterns and middleware all the time, you can configure groups to use in your routes.

You can use an extra class for defining GroupConfigurations.

use Mrcl\SlimRoutes\Routing\GroupConfiguration;

class Group
    final public const ANIMALS   = 'animals';
    final public const CATS      = 'cats';
    final public const ELEPHANTS = 'elephants';

    private array $groups;

    public function __construct()
        $this->groups = [
            self::ANIMALS => ($animals = new GroupConfiguration(id: self::ANIMALS, pattern: 'animals', middleware: AnimalsMiddleware::class)),
            self::ELEPHANTS => new GroupConfiguration(id: self::ELEPHANTS, pattern: 'elephants', middleware: ElephantsMiddleware::class, parent: $animals),
            self::CATS => new GroupConfiguration(id: self::CATS, pattern: 'cats', middleware: CatsMiddleware::class, parent: $animals)

    public function get(string $id): GroupConfiguration
        return $this->groups[$id];

Add groups to SlimRoutes

  //->addGroup(Group->get(Group::ANIMALS)) you only need to add a group if you use it directly 

Pass the group's ID

#[Controller(groupId: Group::CATS)]
class CatsController {
    public function getAllCats
    public function getCat

-> GET /animals/cats      [AnimalsMiddleware, CatsMiddleware]
-> GET /animals/cats/{id} [AnimalsMiddleware, CatsMiddleware]
#[Route(method: HttpMethod::POST, groupId: Group::ELEPHANTS)]
class AddElephantAction
    public function __invoke

-> POST /animals/elephants [AnimalsMiddleware, ElephantsMiddleware]

API versioning

For enabling API versioning to all of your routes, you have to configure an VersionConfiguration.

$sr->addApiVersion(new VersionConfiguration(version: 'v1', middleware: MyMiddleware::class))

Multiple API versions

Let's assume you have three API versions v1, v2, v3.

  • v1 is only for some legacy routes, e.g. /v1/updates
  • v3 is the latest and just went live, users are in the process of updating
  • v2 is still used by the majority of users

A possible configuration could look like the following:

use Mrcl\SlimRoutes\Routing\VersionConfiguration;

  ->addApiVersion(new VersionConfiguration(version: 'v1', middleware: ApiV1Middleware::class, priority: RoutePriority::LOW, default: false))
  ->addApiVersion(new VersionConfiguration(version: 'v2', middleware: ApiV2Middleware::class))
  ->addApiVersion(new VersionConfiguration(version: 'v3', middleware: [ApiMiddleware::class, OtherApiMiddleware::class]))

Route order

The route stack would contain routes in the following order

all v3 and v2 routes

You can still use the priority argument on routes to lower or heighten their position.

Versioning for specific routes

We have the following additional config

  ->addRouteGroup(new GroupConfiguration(id: 'cats-v1', pattern: 'cats'))
  ->addRouteGroup(new GroupConfiguration(id: 'cats', pattern: 'cats', middleware: CatsMiddleware::class))

For a controller setup a possible config could be:

#[Controller(groupId: 'cats')]
class CatController {
    public function getAllCats
      pattern: 'all', 
      groupId: 'cats-v1', 
      version: 'v1'
    public function getAllCatsV1

-> GET /v3/cats     [ApiMiddleware, OtherApiMiddleware, CatsMiddleware]
-> GET /v2/cats     [ApiV2Middleware, CatsMiddleware]
-> GET /v1/cats/all [ApiV1Middleware]

For action classes:

#[Route(groupId: 'cats')] 
class ViewCatsAction {
    public function __invoke
  pattern: 'all', 
  groupId: 'cats-v1', 
  version: 'v1'
class ViewCatsActionV1 {
    public function __invoke

Unversioned routes

Exclude only some routes

If you want to exclude some routes from versioning you can do so by pass VersionConfiguration::NONE to the #[Route] or #[Controller] attribute.

  pattern: 'my-action', 
  version: VersionConfiguration::NONE
class MyAction
    public function __invoke

Additionally, if all of your unversioned routes need some specific middleware you can add a VersionConfiguration.

$sr->addApiVersion(new VersionConfiguration(VersionConfiguration::NONE, SomeMiddleware::class, default: false))

Make all routes available without version

If you have the special case that all routes (without specific version assignment) need also to be accessed without versioning you can do so

$sr->addApiVersion(new VersionConfiguration(VersionConfiguration::NONE))

Versioned route names

When you add an API version and use route names, route names will be prefixed with the added version(s).

  ->addApiVersion(new VersionConfiguration('v1'))
  ->addApiVersion(new VersionConfiguration('v2'))
#[Route(name: 'my-action')]
class MyAction
    public function __invoke

Route names are v1-my-action and v2-my-action