
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Observe delayed events and fire them after ALL transactions are done.

This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.


Observe delayed events and fire them after ALL transactions are done.


  • PHP: ^5.5 || ^7.0
  • Laravel: ^5.4


composer require mpyw/laravel-transaction-observer:^1.0

Basic Usage

Register service provider.


         * Package Service Providers...

That's all. Now you can dispatch DelayedCall that takes callback as the first argument.

public mpyw\LaravelTransactionObserver\Events\DelayedCall::__construct(callable $callback)
public void mpyw\LaravelTransactionObserver\Events\DelayedCall::fire()

Note that the callback is:

  • Fired when ALL transactions are done.
  • Canceled if current transaction failed.
 * Example: Handling callbacks for counter caching

use mpyw\LaravelTransactionObserver\Events\DelayedCall;

DB::transaction(function () {

    $post = Post::create([
        'text' => 'This is main text',
        'comment_count' => 0,

    DB::transaction(function () use ($post) {
        $comment = new Comment(['text' => 'This is first comment']);

        event(new DelayedCall(function () use ($post) {
            ++$post->comment_count; // A: Increment counter cache!

    DB::transaction(function () use ($post) {
        $comment = new Comment(['text' => 'This is second comment']);

        event(new DelayedCall(function () use ($post) {
            ++$post->comment_count; // B: Increment counter cache!

        throw new \RuntimeException('Oops!');

// A fires here, while B never do.

Advanced Usage: Prepare custom Event classes

1. Make your class that implements DelayedEvent.



namespace App\Events;

use mpyw\LaravelTransactionObserver\Contracts\DelayedEvent;

class MyDelayedEvent implements DelayedEvent
    protected $payload;

    public function __construct($payload)
        $this->payload = $payload;

    public function fire()

2. Listen it in your application service provider.



namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use mpyw\LaravelTransactionObserver\Facades\TransactionObserver;
use App\Events\MyDelayedEvent;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

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