
An OAuth2 implementation for Lighthouse

v0.4.3 2022-01-14 19:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 03:00:00 UTC


An OAuth2 implementation for Laravel Lighthouse through Passport


To install run

composer require mpie/lighthouse-oauth2

ServiceProvider will be attached automatically.

Add the following env vars to your .env from the oauth_clients and the password grant client.


You are done with the installation!

Tweaking configurations

In case you need to point to a different url such as a subdomain that is running in the same app add (without the last slash):


Changing the grant type to 'password' instead of the default 'authorization_code':


Changing the default scope of '*':


Unique feature. You can change the default guard 'api' for the user lookup instead of being vendor locked:


The user model is returned when login mutation is called. This can be disabled with:

LIGHTHOUSE_OAUTH2_FETCH_USER=false # Make sure you uncomment 'user: User' model in the graphql file

User column matching (will be applied when 'fetch_user' is true). Defaults to 'email':


Customizing the schema

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mpie\LighthouseOAuth\LighthouseOAuthServiceProvider"

This will publish the schema. There are no migration files.

Then update the lighthouse-oauth2.php configuration file to point the schema file to load the exported file instead of the one provided by the package.

| GraphQL schema
| File path of the GraphQL schema to be used, defaults to null so it uses
| the default location
'schema' => base_path('graphql/oauth2.graphql'),

From there you can customize the schema to fit your needs.