
A website anti-framework for PHP.

v1.0.0 2020-03-10 22:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 01:46:58 UTC


A website anti-framework

Create a WebPage and pass it around, add stuff to it, then display it. CSS, JS, HEAD stuff, etc., can be added at any point.

To install:

composer require "mpb-cal/web-sight >=1"

To use:

namespace WebSight;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/mpb-cal/web-sight/WebPage.php';

$webPage = new WebPage;
$webPage->setTitle( 'My Site' );
$webPage->addToHead( 'head stuff' );
$webPage->addStyleSheet( 'css/style.css' );
$webPage->addToBody( 'main body' );
print $webPage->getOutput();

HTML wrappers help you write HTML. It guarantees that your tags are closed and nested properly, without having to write the tag name twice. There's a function corresponding to each HTML5 element, e.g. div(), h3(), head(), etc. Since some tag names (e.g. var) are PHP keywords, the functions for those tags have underscores, like this: var_(). This applies to dl_, header_, link_, and time_.

	div( 'class=row id=mainRow',
		div( 'class=column',
			p( 'attributes go here',
				'content goes here'
			. ul(
				li( '', 'item 1' )   // don't forget the '' even if there are no properties!
				. li( '', item 2' )
				. li( '', 'item 3' )
			. a( 'href=""', 'Click Here' )

renders as:

<div class=row id=mainRow>
	<div class=column>
		<p attributes>
			<li>item 1</li>
			<li>item 2</li>
			<li>item 3</li>
		<a href="">Click Here</a>