
Package for TurboSms gateway based on SQL connection

v1.0.0 2017-07-15 13:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-26 19:21:52 UTC



Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require mp091689/turbosms

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

#Usage Create new instance of TurboSms lib to send sms, check status, receive list, delete scheduled sms. TurboSms server is, database users, the table name same as login of gateway connection.

new \mp091689\TurboSms\TurboSms($host, $db_name, $user, $password);


Send sms to specified number with specified text.

send(string $number, string $message, string $sign = 'Msg', timestamp $time = null, string $wappush = '', boolean $is_flash = false);

Returns an object that contains params of sent message.


number - string, contains phone number in international format only digits (38050123456789).

message - string, the text of sent message. Read the rules of composing messages.

sign - string, alpha-name must be registered on the service.

time - timestamp, the sms will be sent at the set time. The datetime format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM'.

wappush - string, link WapPush, including http://

is_flash - boolean, flash flag of the message


Returns an object with the parameters of the sent message.

  private 'id' => string '856' (length=3)
  private 'msg_id' => null
  private 'number' => string '380501234567' (length=12)
  private 'sign' => string 'Msg' (length=3)
  private 'message' => string 'Hello world!' (length=12)
  private 'wappush' => string '' (length=0)
  private 'is_flash' => string '0' (length=1)
  private 'cost' => null
  private 'balance' => null
  private 'added' => string '2017-07-14 18:42:50' (length=19)
  private 'send_time' => string '2017-07-14 18:45' (length=19)
  private 'sended' => null
  private 'received' => null
  private 'error_code' => null
  private 'status' => null
  • The fields are populated by the server after the message is processed. If NULL is specified in the field values, then processing has not yet been performed.

  • Some phone models do not support wappush and flash messages.

  • Date format for all datetime fields: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, the time zone based on connection.


// Create new TurboSms instance
$turbo = new \mp091689\TurboSms\TurboSms('', 'users', '<LOGIN>', '<PASSWORD>');

// Send sms
$result = $turbo->send('380507095075', 'Hello world!');

// Send sms with specified alpha-name
$result = $turbo->send('380507095075', 'Hello world!', 'Msg');

// Send sms at set time
$result = $turbo->send('380507095075', 'Hello world!', 'Msg', '2017-07-14 18:50');

##Retrieving data

###Find one instance of sms by id.

findById(integer $id)

Returns an object of sms.


id - integer, identifier of wanted instance.


  private 'id' => string '1' (length=2)
  private 'msg_id' => string '499514b3-56c7-e1f4-5159-e607425c776c' (length=36)
  private 'number' => string '380501234567' (length=12)
  private 'sign' => string 'Msg' (length=10)
  private 'message' => string 'Hello World!' (length=12)
  private 'wappush' => string '' (length=0)
  private 'is_flash' => string '0' (length=1)
  private 'cost' => string '1.00' (length=4)
  private 'balance' => string '139.00' (length=6)
  private 'added' => string '2017-07-14 20:50:08' (length=19)
  private 'send_time' => null
  private 'sended' => string '2016-02-19 20:56:09' (length=19)
  private 'received' => string '2016-02-19 20:56:15' (length=19)
  private 'error_code' => string '0' (length=1)
  private 'status' => string 'DELIVRD' (length=7)


// Create new TurboSms instance
$turbo = new \mp091689\TurboSms\TurboSms('', 'users', '<LOGIN>', '<PASSWORD>');

// Find sms by id
$result = $turbo->find(1);

###Find list of sms by conditions.

find(array $conditions = [], array $orderBy = [], integer $limit = null, integer $page = null)

Returns an array of an objects.


conditions - array, the associative array $key => $value where the $key is equals to column name in the table and $value is wanted string.

orderBy - array, the associative array $key => $value where the $key is equals to column name in the table for ordering and $value is method of ordering ASC/DESC.

limit - integer, limit the number of records returned based on a limit value.

page - integer, for pagination, works only if limit is specified.





// Create new TurboSms instance
$turbo = new \mp091689\TurboSms\TurboSms('', 'users', '<LOGIN>', '<PASSWORD>');

// Find all sms
$results = $turbo->find();

// Find list of sms by phone number
$results = $turbo->find(['number' => '380501234567']);

// Find list of sms that were set to specified operator code
$results = $turbo->find(['number LIKE' => '38050%']);

// Find list of sms by phone number and not delivered
$results = $turbo->find(['number' => '380501234567', 'status !=' => 'DELIVRD']);

// Find list of sms by phone number and orderBy error_code
$results = $turbo->find(['number' => '380501234567'], ['error_code']);
// or
$results = $turbo->find(['number' => '380501234567'], ['error_code' => 'DESC']);

// Find list of sms by phone number without ordering
// and set limit to 5 records
$results = $turbo->find(['number' => '380501234567'], [], 5);

// Find list of sms by phone number without ordering
// and set limit to 5 records and set third page
$results = $turbo->find(['number' => '380501234567'], [], 5, 3);


delete(object $sms)

If for some reason you do not want to send a scheduled SMS you can simply delete it.


sms - object, instance of SmsEntity.


true - success, false - failed



// Create new TurboSms instance
$turbo = new \mp091689\TurboSms\TurboSms('', 'users', '<LOGIN>', '<PASSWORD>');

// First we need to get the sms
$sms = $turbo->findById(1);

// Now we can delete sms
$result = $turbo->delete($sms);



#Additional information

  • Description of work with the TURBOSMS gateway using SQL connection link