
Eloquent support for OpenCart models

v0.0.5 2021-09-05 15:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 23:46:20 UTC


Yet another OpenCart database package for lazy laravel developers. I wrote this package to use with my OpenCart extensions. It does not replace whole opencart models with eloquent models. It just gives you the opportunity to use eloquent ORM flexibility while querying


  1. First, install the package via composer:
composer require monurakkaya/opencart-eloquent
  1. Then copy ocmod file to your system directory
cp storage/vendor/monurakkaya/opencart-eloquent/src/*.xml upload/system
  1. Go to your admin panel and refresh modifications.


To get categories count which have products in it, just type:

use App\Models\Catalog\Category\Category;

$categories_count = Category::whereHas('products')->count();

To get categories with products count, just type:

use App\Models\Catalog\Category\Category;

$categories = Category::withCount('products')->get();

echo $categories->first()->products_count // 5
echo $categories->first()->description->name // Electronics

Options and values

use App\Models\Catalog\Option\Option;

$options = Option::with('description', 'values.description')->get();

foreach ($options as $option) {
    echo $option->description->name; // Color
    foreach ($option->values as $value) {
        $value->description->name; // Dark

What about product options and option values?

use App\Models\Catalog\Product\Product;

$product = Product::with('options.values')->find(5);

foreach($product->options as $option) {
    echo $option->option->description->name; // Color
    foreach ($option->values as $value) {
        $value->value->description->name; // Grey

// Be careful about (N+1) which opencart doesn't care at all...


use App\Models\Catalog\Manufacturer\Manufacturer;

$manufacturers = Manufacturer::with('description')
//below lines belongs to opencart logic.  
$pagination = new \Pagination();
$pagination->total = $manufacturers->total();
$pagination->page = $manufacturers->currentPage();
$pagination->limit = $this->config->get('config_limit_admin');
$pagination->url = $this->url->link('extension/module/some_of_my_extensions/manufacturer', 'user_token=' . $this->session->data['user_token']. '&page={page}', true);
$pagination = $pagination->render();

$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('extension/module/some_of_my_extensions', compact('manufacturers', 'pagination')))

Easy right? :)

This project will be maintained as long as I continue to use OpenCart.


just put your models in your upload/app directory. Recommended way is follow opencart directory structure like:
upload/admin/controller/extension/module/product_video.php upload/admin/view/template/extension/module/product_video.twig upload/app/Models/Extension/Module/ProductVideo.php

namespace App\Models\Extension\Module

use App\Models\Model;
use App\Models\Catalog\Product\Product;

class ProductVideo extends Model {
    private $table = DB_PREFIX.'product_video';
    private $primaryKey = 'product_video_id';
    public function product()
        return $this->belongsTo(Product::class, 'product_id') 

then in your module controller just call:

use App\Models\Extension\Module\ProductVideo;

$video = ProductVideo::with('product')->first();
$video->product // Product object


You can easily modify original model files without touching any vendor file.

Each Model has comment lines //trait at the beginning and //ocmod at the end. just search and add after whatever you want.

with below code you can use name property as mutator so instead $product->description->name you can use $product->name:

<file path="app/Models/Catalog/Product/Product.php">
        <add position="after">
            public function getNameAttribute() {
                return $this->description->name;


$product->description->name // Ibanez RG35EX Black
$product->name              // Ibanez RG35EX Black

with below code you can do your modification with a trait.

namespace App\Traits\Extension\Payment\MyModule\Traits\HasPrice;

trait HasPrice {
    public function getDiscountedPrice($percent = 20) {
        return $this->price * (100 - $percent) / 100;
<file path="app/Models/Catalog/Product/Product.php">
        <add position="after">
            use \App\Traits\Extension\Payment\MyModule\Traits\HasPrice;


$product->price // 50
$product->getDiscountedPrice() // 40
$product->getDiscountedPrice(10) // 45

with below code you can create relation between opencart product model and your extension's model

<file path="app/Models/Catalog/Product/Product.php">
        <add position="after">
            public function videos() {
                return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Extension\Module\ProductVideo::class, 'product_id', 'product_id');


$product = Product::with('videos')->first();
$product->videos->first(); // Video model

modification file will be stored to storage/modification/app/Models/Product/Product.php