
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the monolyth/formulaic package instead.

Object oriented PHP5 form tools

1.5.11 2016-06-10 17:01 UTC


Object-oriented form utilities for PHP5.4+

This project is discontinued

Please see its successor: monolyth/formulaic

HTML forms suck. Well, no, they're superduper handy, but writing them and validating them server-side can be a pain. Formulaic offers a set of utilities to ease that pain.

Basic usage

Define a form with some fields and other requirements:


use Formulaic\Get;
use Formulaic\Search;
use Formulaic\Button\Submit;

class MyForm extends Get
    public function __construct()
        $this[] = (new Search('q'))->isRequired();
        $this[] = new Submit('Go!', 'submit');

In your template, either use the API to manually tweak your output, or simply __toString the form to use the defaults:


$form = new MyForm;
echo $form;

You can __toString individual fields:


$form = new MyForm;

<form name="search" method="get">
    <!-- These two yield identical output using MyForm above: -->

To validate your form:


$form = new MyForm;
if ($form->valid()) {
    // ...Perform the search...

To get a list of errors:


$form = new MyForm;
if ($errors = $form->errors()) {
    // ...Do error handling, or give feedback...

Forms can contain fieldsets:


use Formulaic\Get;
use Formulaic\Fieldset;
use Formulaic\Search;
use Formulaic\Button\Submit;

class MyForm extends Get
    public function __construct()
        $this[] = new Fieldset('Global search', function($fieldset) {
            $fieldset[] = new Search('q');
        $this[] = new Fieldset('Search by ID', function($fieldset) {
            $fieldset[] = new Search('id');
        $this[] = new Submit('Go!');

And in your output:

<form method="get">
    <?=$form['Global search']?>
    <?=$form['Search by ID']?>

See the full documentation for all other options.