
Codger recipes for Monolyth components

1.1.1 2023-07-06 13:45 UTC


Codger recipes for Monolyth components


Using Composer (recommended):

$ composer require --dev monolyth/lodger


See the Codger documentation for general usage.

Included recipes


Generates an entire Monolyth-style module. --skip-SOMETHING options are provided to skip certain components, e.g. --skip-model to not generate a model.


Generate a model. By default properties are added according to a corresponding database table; use --skip-prefill to skip this. Optionally specify --ornament to make the model Ornament-compatible.


Generate a repository. Though not technically a part of Monolyth (since we don't want to dictate how you handle your data), in practice Monolyth projects tend to use repositories for all (database) storage operations - i.e., insert, update, delete and select.

Generated repositories hold basic common methods such as save, all and find. However, the implementation is up to you. If your repositories follow a common structure, we recommend extending a base class instead. For database-based storage, have a look at the DatabaseRepository in sensimedia\supporty. It plays very nicely with Monolyth, but does make some assumptions based on how Sensi Media (my company) builds its projects.


Generate a generic (page) view.

lodger/listing/view and lodger/listing/template

Generate a view and template for a "listing page". This contains basically the output of a repository's all() call, with clickable links.

lodger/detail/view and lodger/detail/template

Generate a view and template for a "detail view". This is where you end up when you click on one of the listing links ;)


Generate a generic CRUD controller. The generated create, update and delete methods work out of the box with the corresponding repository, but of course do nothing yet since we aren't dictating how you should store your data (or handle permissions, for that matter).


Generate a Formulaic form to go with the module.