
PHP5 View and templating system for MVC projects

0.7.7 2025-02-28 13:29 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-28 13:30:10 UTC


PHP5 View and templating front for MVC projects

Surprisingly, most MVC frameworks out there get Controllers and Views utterly wrong. If you've ever worked with one, you'll recognize the following pattern:


class SomeController extends BaseController
    public function actionIndex()
        $this->data = new SomeModel;
        $this->render('path/to/template.php', ['data' => $this->data]);

This is wrong for a number of reasons, all stemming from formal MVC theory:

  1. The View (which in the above case is actually a template, which is something different) is responsible for its own data. Here it is not; the Controller is instantiating a model and passing it on to the template/view.
  2. The template is acting as the View, which is wrong (they're separate concepts).
  3. There is now tight coupling between SomeController::indexAction and SomeModel, which would only be relevant if the action changes something (normally, a POST handler).

Improse is a simple view layer correcting these errors.


Composer (recommended)

$ cd /path/to/project
$ composer require monomelodies/improse


  1. Download or clone the repository;
  2. Add /path/to/improse/src in your PSR-4 autoloader for the namespace Improse.

Basic usage


use Improse\View;
$view = new View('/path/to/template/file');
echo $view->render();

The base view defines a render method which renders the requested file. So you can also pass the rendered view to some other handler (e.g. an emitter):


return emit($view->render());

Views also have a __toString method which simply returns the result of render, so the following two are actually equivalent:


echo $view->render();
echo $view;

The main difference is that since __toString cannot throw exceptions in PHP, it catches them and uses filp\whoops to display them instead. render on the other hand would just throw it.

Defining view data

All public members of the view are considered "view data" by the render method:


$view->foo = 'bar';
echo $view; // The template now has $foo with value "bar"

In the real world, your views will need to collect data to render. Hence you'll mostly use the View class as a base to extend off of:


class MyView extends Improse\View
    // Either define the template on the class...
    protected $template = '/path/to/template';

    public function __construct(PDO $db)
        // ...or pass it to the parent constructor.
        $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT foo FROM bar');
        $this->foo = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Making templates useful

The basic behaviour for Improse views is to include the template file. Thus, you can pass HTML (or other static formats) to it, or a PHP file:


$view = new View('/path/to/my/file.php');
$view->foo = 'bar';
echo $view;

Nesting views

Views can also contain other views:


$template = new View('/path/to/main/template');
$view = new View('/path/to/some/page');
$template->page = $view;
echo $view;

The template can now simply echo $page somewhere.

Most templating engines (see below) also support this, but it could come in very handy when you're mixing multiple templating systems, e.g. Twig, Blade and Moustache in different sections of your application. Improse is "templating-system-neutral" in that respect.

Tying templates to views

In any but the most trivial application, views will contain logic so you'll find yourself extending the base view for custom per-page or per-section views:


class MyView extends Improse\View
    // Define the template on the class...
    protected $template = '/path/to/template';

    public function __construct($template = null)
        // [...snip all logic for MyView...]

Note that you can still override the template to use on a per-case basis since we're calling the parent __constructor with an argument:


$view = new MyView('/some/custom/template');

Just-in-time logic

You can also choose to place all your logic in an overridden render method. Just forward to parent::render() and return its result when you're done:


class MyView extends Improse\View
    protected $template = '/path/to/template';

    public function render()
        // [...snip all logic for MyView...]
        return parent::render();

This strategy allows you to define all views up front, but only make them do heavy lifting (e.g. retrieving data from a RMDBS) when they actually get rendered (based on your application's logic).

Templating engines

Even though PHP is itself a templating engine, many people (including us...) prefer to use a separate templating engine, e.g. Twig or Smarty.

Integrating a templating engine is a matter of overriding the render method in an extending class, and let it use its own logic. An example using Twig could look like this:


class TwigView extends Improse\View
    // ...[snip custom logic]...

    public function render()
        $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/path/to/templates');
        $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, [
            'cache' => '/path/to/cache/dir',
            'auto_reload' => true, // or false
            'debug' => true, // or false
        return $this->twig->render($this->template, $this->getVariables());

The default render implementation does nothing else, so your override only needs to handle the actual outputting (though of course you could let it do more, like logging or such).

Handling errors

Improse uses filp\whoops to pretty-print errors caused by exceptions in its __toString calls (since they cannot throw exceptions in PHP).

Since a "whoops" may be triggered in any sub-view, if you're really bothered about your error HTML being valid (since it might contain duplicate <head> tags for instance if they were already outputted), you should handle this in your application logic (e.g. using output buffering). Improse views offer a static whoops method which returns true if any error occured:


if (Improse\View::whoops()) {
    // error...
} else {
    // ok, display page

Of course, since you'll want to fix the error anyway you might as well dump it to screen anyway. But you could also be a bit more friendly depending on whether your app is in development or in production mode. Views also have a static $swallowErrors property. It defaults to false, but set it to any non-false value and a view with an error will render that instead (so ideally you'd put it to a string message like "Error! We're flogging the programmer!").

This is all so basic...

So you've read the above and looked at the Improse source code (which admittedly is extremely small). Maybe you find yourself wondering why you'd use Improse at all; it's only a few lines of code, after all.

But, it saves you some boilerplate code, and by extending the base view the template, variable en rendering logic are already in place. It also forces you to implement views in the correct MVC way :)