
Cachebuster command

1.0.5 2021-01-05 16:34 UTC


Cachebuster command

When serving static assets (mainly JavaScript and CSS, but perhaps also images...) sometimes you'll want to "bust" the browser cache to make sure visitors receive the correct version. This is what cachet aims to help in.


Composer (recommended):

$ composer require monolyth/cachet


cachet depends on a global "versions file" where all current versions are stored. This should contain a JSON hash of all files/hashes (relative to your projet's root directory). Initially you can fill it with empty strings as the hashes; on first run, the actual hashes will be replaced:


Whenever you run the cachet CLI command, the current hashes will be inserted or updated (based on the files' contents):

$ vendor/bin/cliff cachet path/to/versions.json public/folder

The command also creates symlinks with the correct hash inserted into the public folder, e.g. test.js might become test.abcdabcd.js. You should refer to these linked files in your frontend code, as the hash will change when the file contents have changed.

Note that both arguments are relative to the current working directory.

Injecting version numbers in templates

Monolyth projects usually use Twig, so we've included a TwigFunction cachet to easily inject the correct version numbers.

Somewhere in a central place in your application, inject it using your Twig\Enviroment of choice:


// For example:
$twig = new Twig\Environment(new Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader(__DIR__));

//...your other Twig stuff...

Monolyth\Cachet\Twig::inject('path/to/version/file.json', $twig);

Note that when injecting the Twig environment, you need to pass the full path to the versions file since getcwd() has an undefined meaning here.

In your Twig template, pass the filename to be cache-busted through the cachet function:

<script src="/{{ cachet('js/test.js') }}"></script>

An optional second parameter to the cachet function may be set to false to disable all cache-busting; this is handy during development. You'll probably already have a way to determine whether or not the code is running in production. A fake example:

<script src="/{{ cachet('js/test.js', isProd()) }}"></script>

Note, by the way, the leading slash in the src attribute.

Fault tolerance

The Twig cachet function returns the original filename if no such "bustable" file was defined. This is the same behaviour as when the second argument is false.

If E_NOTICE level errors are enabled though (a good idea during development and testing) an error of level E_USER_NOTICE will be triggered.