
Easily handle data fields in your Eloquent models

1.2.0 2021-06-30 13:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:22:19 UTC


This package allows you to access attribute fields in your model or use a data field without any changes to your migrations.


  • Use extra data on eloquent model without defining a new column
  • Easily interact with multiple custom fields on your model as data fields
  • collect any data and save into any model with the HasData trait

Installation & Setup

You can install the package via composer;

composer require moirei/laravel-model-data

Add the MOIREI\ModelData\HasData trait to your model;

use MOIREI\ModelData\HasData;

class YourModel extends Model
    use HasData;


Using the package's model

Optional if using a predefined attribute/column in your models.

Publish the migration with;

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="model-data-migrations"

Run the migrate command to create the necessary table;

php artisan migrate

Mode 1: Persist data outside your model

This is the default mode if the $model_data property is falsy.

Mode 2: Persist data in your model

Define the data column (s) in your migration;

Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {
    // OR
    // OR

Then define a model_data variable in your model. This is the name of the storage column(s).


  * ModelData: use model's column
  * @var string|array|false
protected $model_data = 'data';

class YourModel extends Model
    use HasData;



Accessing the data

The below uses data if in mode 1 or the value of $model_data is "data";

Basic access:

$model->data->name = 'value';
$model->data->name; // Returns 'value'

Access as arrays:

$model->data['name'] = 'value';
$model->data['name']; // Returns 'value'

Calling as function.

$model->data('name', 'value');
$model->data('name'); // Returns 'value'

$model->data('', 'awesome');
$model->data(''); // Returns 'awesome'

All existing data can be overridden by assigning an array;

// All existing data will be replaced
$model->data = ['name' => 'value'];
$model->data->all(); // Returns ['name' => 'value']

With get and set;

$model->data = [
   'moirei' => ['tech' => 'awesome'],
   'mg001' => ['resource' => 'white'],
// or
   'moirei' => ['tech' => 'awesome'],
   'mg001' => ['resource' => 'white'],
// or
$model = $model->data([
   'moirei' => ['tech' => 'awesome'],
   'mg001' => ['resource' => 'white'],

$model->data->set('', 'Wireless Power Bank');
$model->data->get(''); // Returns 'Wireless Power Bank'

get with default:

$model->data->get('undefined-attribute', 'default'); // Returns 'default'

Multiple/custom data fields (mode 2)

The above example uses data field which is the default for external mode. To allow multiple access with custom names,


  * ModelData: use model's column
  * @var string|array|false
// protected $model_data = 'settings';
protected $model_data = [
    'settings', 'meta',


Access with

// set values

// get values

Persisting data

// or

Modify and save into a different model with

$model->data->filter()->save($model_2, $key = 'data');


This packages supplies Collections functions pinch and save globally.

This means you can collect and save any data into any model that has the HasData trait;

$data = collect([
    'first_name' => 'James',
    'last_name' => 'Franco'
])->save($model, $key = 'data');

The pinch function simply allows you to access a collection's underlying array using the dot notation.

The key option defaults to data.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.