
A lightweight calendar module for Silverstripe. Implements the popular javascript library.

Installs: 1 459

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 12

Watchers: 2

Forks: 4


v3.0.0 2017-09-26 03:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-20 16:21:12 UTC


A lightweight calendar module for Silverstripe. Implements the popular javascript library.


  • Lightbox event details
  • Stylish colour inheritance based on user selection
  • Hide past events automatically
  • Easily change the style/theme to match your brand
  • Change between month and agenda views
  • Page type for a list of upcoming events
  • Download single events as .ics files
  • Download entire calendar as .ics file



Ideally composer will be used to install this module. composer require "moe/full-calendar:@stable"

From source

  1. Download the latest [release] (
  2. Extract the files
  3. Make sure the folder after being extracted is named 'full-calendar'
  4. Upload to your site root

Basic modification


Common settings can be changed from the CMS, but to add additional options just add them to the calendarSettings.

function calendarSettings(json) {
        //custom settings here

For more setting options see

CMS Setup/Usage

Page types

  • Full Calendar - This is the holder for all events, also contains the main calendar. Create this first.
  • Full Calendar Event - A unique event, needs to be created as a child to Full Calendar

Screen shots

Calendar View

Calendar view

Event view

Event view

Calendar settings

Event view

Event settings

Event view

Libraries used

  • Fullcalendar
  • Moment.js
  • Fancybox v2
  • Font Awesome