
v0.3 2018-05-19 15:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 21:06:58 UTC


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The package provides a PHPUnit listener that can be used to perform certain operations before/after test suite is executed. For instance when running functional tests you may want to create a database before test is run and drop it afterwards.


  • Add this dependency to your composer.json:
"modera/tests-runner": "dev-master"
  • (Optional, Recommended) If you have docker installed then in a project where you want to run tests use this command to install runner bash script:
wget && chmod +x

Later you will be able to use this script to run tests, on the first run this script will also install additional required components.

  • Create file named .mtr (notice a dot in the beginning) next to your phpunit.xml/phpunit.xml.dist, sample:

return [
    new \Modera\TestsRunner\Interceptors\ServerEnvExportingInterceptor(array(
        'SYMFONY__DB_HOST' => 'mysql',
        'SYMFONY__DB_PORT' => 3306,
        'SYMFONY__DB_USER' => 'root',
        'SYMFONY__DB_PASSWORD' => '123123'
    new \Modera\TestsRunner\Interceptors\SymfonyPhpUnitEnvInterceptor(),
    new \Modera\TestsRunner\Interceptors\MySqlInterceptor(
        function() { // config provider
            return array(
                'host' => $_SERVER['SYMFONY__DB_HOST'],
                'user' => $_SERVER['SYMFONY__DB_USER'],
                'password' => $_SERVER['SYMFONY__DB_PASSWORD'],
                'port' => $_SERVER['SYMFONY__DB_PORT'],
                'attempts' => isset($_SERVER['DB_ATTEMPTS']) ? $_SERVER['DB_ATTEMPTS'] : 40,

This file is responsible for creating so called interceptors - additional pieces of code that will get executed before and after test-cases. More about them you can read later in this document.

  • Update your phpunit.xml file to reference test runner's listener, here we are assuming that test runner is located in a directory called vendor/modera/tests-runner (by default installing script from the first step installs the tests runner there):
    <listener class="Modera\TestsRunner\PhpUnitListener" file="./vendor/modera/tests-runner/src/Modera/TestsRunner/PhpUnitListener.php"></listener>
  • Now you can use script created in the first step to run your tests.

Running tests with default script

The easiest way to run tests for your project that uses test-runner is to use provided script. Please refer to script's source code to see all available options that you can use while using it.


Before we take a look at specific implementations of interceptors that come with the tests runner it makes sense to say a couple words about what interceptors really are and what they are used for. Essentially, as you probably have already guessed, interceptors allow you to perform additional actions before and after PHPUnit switcheds a package that it is running tests for. The package itself is designated by existence of composer.json file. Imaging that you have a following files structure:


When tests-runner runs tests for src/ directory it will run interceptors two times, more specifically:

  • Before entering FooBundle
  • Before leaving a FooBundle and entering BarBundle
  • Before entering BarBundle
  • Before leaving BarBundle and possibly entering a next package

In order to implement an interceptor you need to implement Modera\TestRunner\InterceptorInterface, please consult to its API docs for more information. Now that you have understanding of what interceptors are let's take a look at those ones which are provided out of the box:

  • MySqlInterceptor - this interceptor allows to create and drop a MySQL database. For example, if a package's name is modera/foo (name is take from "name" parameter of composer.json file), then before PHPUnit running tests this interceptor will create a table with name "modera_foo" and after the tests execution is complete it will drop the table automatically.
  • ServerEnvExportingInterceptor - allows to define environment variables if they do not exist yet.
  • SymfonyPhpUnitEnvInterceptor - this one is interesting, you will want to use it if you are running tests for monolithic repository which contains Symfony bundles. This interceptor will check if there's a phpunit.xml/phpunit.xml.dist file placed next to composer.json and if it is then the interceptor will scan its section to detect if environment variable KERNEL_DIR is set and if it is defined then it will dynamically update its path so that Symfony's WebTestCase would know where to load a kernel class from. Please read docs provided by Symfony describing how to prepare your bundles for running functional tests -