
Package for syncing Salesforce objects with local data

v1.0.9 2021-08-31 22:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:33:23 UTC


This package is for syncing Salesforce objects with local data. It's an extension of Davis Peixoto's Laravel 5 Salesforce package.

Works with Laravel 5.2 and up.


This package can be installed via Composer by requiring the mncee/salesforce-sync package in your project's composer.json.

    "require": {
        "mncee/salesforce-sync": "1.0.*"

Laravel 5 Configuration

To use the Laravel 5 Salesforce package, you must add the service provider and facade alias your Laravel 5 application.

Find the providers key and aliases key in your config/app.php and add these corresponding lines.

    'providers' => array(
        // ...
    'aliases' => array(
        // ...
        'Salesforce' => Davispeixoto\Laravel5Salesforce\SalesforceFacade::class,

Then you must include the following environment variables in the .env file:

SALESFORCE_USERNAME=#your salesfore username#
SALESFORCE_PASSWORD=#your salesfore password#
SALESFORCE_TOKEN=#your salesfore token#
SALESFORCE_WSDL=#path to the wsdl stored in the storage/app/ directory#

Place your your Enterprise WSDL file into your app storage/app/ directory you specified in the .env file.

IMPORTANT: the PHP Toolkit for PHP only works with Enterprise WSDL

The SyncObject Class

This is the class to use for syncing local data with remote Salesforce objects.

Sub-class usage

Classes that inherit this class can perform functions for syncing (pushing and pulling) with a remote Salesforce object.

class Contact extends SyncObject
    public $objectName = 'Contact'; // Saleforce Object Name

$salesforceContact = new Contact();

Functions need to be defined for pushing and pulling Salesforce object fields, and must use this naming convention:

public function push_<Salesforce field name>()
public function pull_<Salesforce field name>($value)

The push_...() functions should return a value that is to be pushed to the corresponding <Salesforce field name> of the remote Salesforce object.

    public function push_FirstName() {
        return DB::table('contact')->where('id', 1)->value('first_name');

The pull_...($value) functions will have an argument containing the value corresponding to the <Salesforce field name> of the remote Salesforce object that can be used to update local data.

    public function pull_FirstName($firstName) {
        DB::table('contact')->where('id', 1)->update(['first_name' => $firstName]);

It is not required to have both a push_...() and a pull_...() function for a given Salesforce field. Either or both can be used according to what is needed for syncing in either direction.

Static objectName() function and chaining usage

This class can also be used on it's own using the chaining functions:

	->pushFields(['FirstName' => 'John', 'LastName' => 'Doe'])
$salesforceContact = SyncObject::objectName('Contact')
	->pullFields(['FirstName', 'LastName'])