
dev-master 2022-07-08 17:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 05:03:56 UTC


This project is defined for Laravel to design a project-independent package that adds the Todo ability to the main project. At the end, after copying your package files to the main project and adding it to composer , your package is expected to connect to the main project and enable the Todo feature for that project.


  composer require mms80/todo-api


  • PHP ^7.4
  • Laravel ^7.x



  • To create tables in the database :

      php artisan migrate
  • Create a user in database.

  • All requests must include the "Authorization" parameter in the header (Authorization value is an Bearer TOKEN) .

  • Config "mailtrap" environments in ".env" file.

task api :

  • To show all tasks of the logged in user :

      GET "/tasks"
  • To create a task :

      POST "/tasks" -d {"title":"foo","description":"bar","labels --optional":["label1","label2"]}
  • To show a task :

      GET "/tasks/{id}"
  • To edit a task :

      PUT "/tasks/{id}" -d {"title --optional":"foo" , "description --optional":"bar" , "status --optional":"1 || 2" , "labels --optional":["label1","label2"] , "detaching --optional":true}

    When the "status" is "1" , the task is open and when the "status" is "2" , the task is closed.

    "detaching" is an optional parameter . When it is true , new labels are added to the task and old labels are removed, and when it is false , new labels are added to old task labels (It is false by default).

label api :

  • To Show all labels :

      GET "/labels"
  • To create a label :

      POST "/labels" -d {"title --unique":"foo"}


in the package folder path :

composer update
composer run test