
ElasticSearch Leaf Queries Setup

dev-master 2017-01-31 14:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 18:07:46 UTC


ElasticSettings let's the developer pre-determine what fields of a table are going to be used in elasticsearch leaf query types.

For example, let's say you are building a program to search through your personal movie collection. You do a quick search for The Princess Bride on ( princess bride) to get some details to put into your database and it comes back like this.


Title: "The Princess Bride",
Year: "1987",
imdbID: "tt0093779",
Type: "movie",
Poster: ""


Your standard elasticsearch boolquery has four leaf types: must, must_not, filter, and should.

Okay, when I search for a movie, I'm most likely searching for the title. So, let's make that a "must". Since they are making so many reboots these days I might want to "filter" by year. To reduce the result set and speed things up I may want to "filter" by type (movie, series, episode).

$leafs = [

'Title' => 'must',
'Year' => 'filter'
'Type' => 'filter',


Pass in the associative array to an instance ElasticSettings and it will send a properly formatted query to your elasticsearch server when you provide a Title, and/or Year and Type.

It's a work in progress, but I'm having fun with it so far.