
Assets manager for PHP. Allow manage CSS and JS files in website and its dependencies. It also updates the browser cache by calculating the MD5 hash of the file.

dev-master 2018-03-17 23:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 02:56:32 UTC


Assets manager for PHP. Allow manage CSS and JS files in website and its dependencies. It also updates the browser cache by calculating the MD5 hash of the file. Assetter allows you to register namespaces for files paths fo better managing if required.


Via composer.json

    "require": {
        "mishanikodev/assetter": "dev-master"

Via Composer CLI

composer require mishanikodev/assetter dev-master 

Table of contents


1. Define collection array

First, you have to create array with collection of files.

Here is full indexed array of one element in collection. Collection is an array of arrays.

    'name'  => 'jquery',
    'order' => 0,
    'group' => 'head',
    'files' => [
        'js' => [
        'css' => [
    'require' => [
  • name (Required) - Name of library/assets files list.
  • order (Optional) - Number of position in loaded files. Lower number = higher in list.
  • group (Optional) - Group this library belongs to.
  • files (Required) - Store JS and CSS files' array to load.
    • js (Optional) - Stores array of JavaScript files paths (sigle value (as string) NOT ALLOWED).
    • css (Optional) - Stores array of CSS files paths (sigle value (as string) NOT ALLOWED).
  • require (Optional) - Stores array of names of libraries/assets (elements from collection) that must be loaded with this library. Dependencies.

2. Create Assetter object

Now we have to create object of Assetter and pass to it our collection array. Collection array is optional, you can use appendToCollection() method, to append assets to collection in runtime.

$assetter = new Assetter($collection);

Assetter accepts two optional arguments:

  • Revision - Global revision, for all loaded files. THis revision is overwrited by revision defined in asset.
  • Default group - Default group assigned to every asset, that has not defined own group.
$assetter = new Assetter($collection, 4, 'group-name');

3. Load some libraries

Now, we can load some libraries


3a. Load custom library

We can also include custom libraries, that aren't in our defined collection. We have to call load() method, and pass array with exactly the same indexes like in our collection we define earlier. We have to define only one index - files, rest of indexes are optional in this case.

    'files' => [
        'js' => [

4. Show loaded files in document

We have loaded our files. Now it's time to show it in document. For this, you can use three methods from Assetter that allows you to do this:

  • all_json() - Returns both CSS and JS files in json object.
  • all() - Returns both CSS and JS files.
  • css() - Returns only CSS files.
  • js() - Returns only JS files.

Every function accept one argument, with group name to returns. If you pass "*" or leave empty, Assetter returns files (of selected type) from all groups.

// In HEAD of document we show all CSS (from all groups) and JS only from 'head' group.
echo $assetter->css();
echo $assetter->js('head');

// After </body> tag we shows rest of JS
echo $assetter->js('body');

// Or just show from all groups
echo $assetter->all();

// Or just show from all groups  in json object
echo $assetter->all_json();


You can define namespaces, that will be applied for every asset path, which use it. Think of namespace (in this case) like some Root path to somethig, like root path to images in your project, or to (more for this) assets path. You can register multiple namespaces, and use multiple namespaces in paths to files for assets. What u need.

1. Register namespace

To register namespace, call belowed method. First argument is the name of namespace, you want to register. Second argument is a path to some directory. The third argument is the path to some directory where the file is located. (Required for md5 calculation). Followed code shows, how register two namespaces.

// Root namespace
$assetter->registerNamespace('{ROOT}', '/web', '/web');
// Namespace for global assets
$assetter->registerNamespace('{ASSETS}', '/web/assets', '/web/assets');


// Root namespace
$assetter->registerNamespace('{ASSETS}', '', '/web/assets');
// Namespace for global assets
$assetter->registerNamespace('{ROOT}', '',  '/web'');

REMEMBER - register namespaces before load any asset. Namespaces works only when is needed, so only when you load (or append) any asset. Registered namespaces after load or append won't work.

2. Usage registered namespaces

When we have registered namespaces, we only now have to add name of namespace to these files path, we need to. Followed example, shows two assets, one works with namespace, second - without.

// With namespace
    'name'  => 'with',
    'files' => [
        'js' => [
        'css' => [
// Without namespace
    'name'  => 'without',
    'files' => [
        'js' => [
        'css' => [

Namespace can be named as you want, here i provide proposal, you can use any way of name convencion, like: {NS}, [NS], %NS, |NS|, -NS, and combine small and big letters as names. But remember to add some special characters. Assetter uses str_replace for seach and replace namespaces, so if you named namespace with only letters, some assets paths can be damaged.


Md5 hashing does not work with external files (For example: http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css)