
Passkeys backend implementation for Laravel Fortify

v1.0.2-beta 2024-02-26 09:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 19:17:37 UTC



This project is currently under development

Laravel Passkeys

This package provides a simple way to authenticate users using passkeys.

Authentication processes are based on web-auth/webauthn-lib package. On frontend, the opposite functionality is provided by @simplewebauthn/browser package.


  1. Install the package via composer:
composer require misakstvanu/laravel-passkeys
  1. Service provider will be auto discovered. If you want to register it manually, add the following line to your config/app.php
'providers' => [
     * Package Service Providers...
    // ...
  1. Publish migration to create passkeys table:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-passkeys-migrations
php artisan migrate
  1. (optional) Publish the config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-passkeys-config


  1. Implement an interface Misakstvanu\LaravelPasskeys\Contracts\PasskeyAuthentication on your User model:
use Misakstvanu\LaravelPasskeys\Contracts\PasskeyAuthentication;

class User extends Authenticatable implements PasskeyAuthentication {
    // ...
  1. Set up passkeys relation on your User model:
use Misakstvanu\LaravelPasskeys\Models\Passkey;

public function passkeys() :HasMany {
    return $this->hasMany(Passkey::class);
  1. Once you have published the config file, you can configure the package by editing the config/passkeys.php file. The variables are:
  • user_model - the model that will be used to authenticate the user. Default: App\Models\User
  • route_prefix - prefix for the 4 routes this package loads. Default: passkeys
  • route_middleware - middleware that will be applied to the routes. Default: ['web']
  • username_column - the column that will be used to find the user. Default: email
  • relying_party_ids - an array of domains that will be allowed insecure connection, use with caution. Default: []
  • registration_user_validation - validation rules that will be applied to the request when registering new user. These values will then be persisted with the new user. Default: []


There are 4 named routes that make everything work:

POST 'passkeys.login.start' - login route, accepts email or other field specified in your config. If a user with the given username/email exists and has a passkey registered, credential request options will be returned. If the user does not exist, HTTP 404 will be returned instead.

POST 'passkeys.login.verify' - login route, accepts passkey response. If the passkey authentication passes, the user will be logged in. If the passkey authentication fails, an exception with additional information is thrown.

POST 'passkeys.register.start' - registration route, accepts email or other field specified in your config. Credential request options is returned.

POST 'passkeys.register.verify' - registration route, accepts passkey response. If the passkey registration passes and an user is currently logged in, the passkey will be added to the existing account, if no one is currently logged in, an account will be created from the username/email and any additional data specified in config and sent along with this request. If the passkey registration fails, an exception with additional information is thrown.

JS Example

Below is minimal example of how to use this package with js @simplewebauthn/browser.

import {browserSupportsWebAuthn, startAuthentication, startRegistration} from "@simplewebauthn/browser";
//import 'api' object based on axios and configured with our app url

function register() {
    // Ask for the authentication options
    api.post('/passkey/register/options', {
        email: 'your@email.com',
        // Prompt the user to create a passkey
        .then((response) => startRegistration(response.data))
        // Verify the data with the server
        .then((attResp) => api.post('/passkey/register', attResp))
        .then((verificationResponse) => {
            if (verificationResponse.data?.verified) {
                return window.location.reload();
            // Something went wrong verifying the registration.
        .catch((error) => {
            // Handle error information
function login() {
    // Ask for the authentication options
    api.post('/passkey/login/options', {
            email: 'your@email.com',
        // Prompt the user to authenticate with their passkey
        .then((response) => startAuthentication(response.data))
        // Verify the data with the server
        .then((attResp) =>
            api.post('/passkey/login', attResp),
        .then((verificationResponse) => {
            if (verificationResponse.data?.verified) {
                // WE ARE LOGGED IN
                return window.location.reload();
            // Something went wrong verifying the authentication.
        .catch((error) => {
            // Handle error information