
Exporter for customers from weclapp.

v1.1 2023-07-25 14:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-23 14:02:48 UTC


Export customers from weclapp with the weclapp PHP api.

How to use

You can download the Package over composer with following line in composer File:

"require": {
    "php": ">=7.4.0",
    "miralsoft/weclapp-api": "v1.*",
    "miralsoft/doctrine-extensions": "dev-master",
    "miralsoft/weclapp-customer-export": "v1.*"


The configuration have to been set in your PHP-Project. You must define 2 constants like this:

use miralsoft\weclapp\api\Config;

Config::$URI = 'https://xxx.weclapp.com/webapp/api/v1/';
Config::$TOKEN = 'xxx';

Replace the xxx with your own data.

Call the export

With following code you can call the export:

$export = new Export();
$csvData = $export->exportDatevOnline();

Here you get the array for the csv file.

$export = new Export(true);
$csvData = $export->exportDatevOnline();

Here it will be created a csv file in your actual path with the filename 'datevExport.csv'.

$export = new Export(true, 'export', 'filename.csv');
$csvData = $export->exportDatevOnline();

Here a file will be created in the folder export with the name 'filename.csv'.

Full example

To get a list of customers, here is a example:

require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';

use miralsoft\weclapp\api\Config;
use miralsoft\weclapp\customerexport\Export;

Config::$URI = 'https://xxx.weclapp.com/webapp/api/v1/';
Config::$TOKEN = 'xxx';

$export = new Export(true, '', 'datevExport.csv');
$ok = $export->exportDatevOnline();

echo $ok ? 'File successfull created' : 'Error while export';