
Basic Form Generator

1.0.5 2024-03-16 09:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-19 17:06:28 UTC


Askme - PowerFul Dynamic Form Builder


  • using composer
composer require miraafaq/askme
  • using composer and specified Version
composer require miraafaq/askme "^1.0.5"
  • Git clone
git clone https://github.com/miraafaq/askme.git


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use AskMe\AskForm;
use AskMe\Field\TextField;
use AskMe\Field\EmailField;
use AskMe\Field\PasswordField;

$formBuilder = new AskForm('submit.php');
$formBuilder->addField(new TextField('name'));
$formBuilder->addField(new EmailField('email'));
$formBuilder->addField(new PasswordField('password'));

$formCssHTML = $formBuilder->generateCss();
$formHTML = $formBuilder->generateForm();

echo $formCssHTML;
echo $formHTML;


  • After installing this library install phpunit for testing with below commmand in root directory
    composer require phpunit/phpunit
  • copy the file phpunit.xml available in test-config directory & paste it into root directory
  • edit the composer.json in root directory and add the below code if not sure see composer.json in test-config directory
    "autoload": {
         "psr-4": {
             "AskMe\\": "src/"
  • run the below command
    composer dump-autoload
  • To Run tests enter below command
    php vendor/bin/phpunit
  • if everything goes well you will see similar below results
    PS C:\Users\user\Downloads\PHPTESTING\c> php vendor/bin/phpunit          
    PHPUnit 10.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    Runtime:       PHP 8.1.6
    Configuration: C:\Users\user\Downloads\PHPTESTING\c\phpunit.xml
    .................                                                 17 / 17 (100%)
    Time: 00:00.060, Memory: 8.00 MB
    OK (17 tests, 22 assertions)


Aafaq Ahmad Mir