
A Symfony bundle for mintware-de/native-cron

v1.0.1 2022-11-10 13:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 22:41:53 UTC


This package provides a Symfony Bundle for the mintware-de/native-cron package.

The main purpose is easily managing cron jobs for your application.


composer require mintware-de/native-cron-bundle

Since cron jobs stored differently based on the operating system, you've to set the CrontabFileLocatorInterface in your service definition.

This bundle will only work with drop-in crontab files. So make sure that the implementation supports that feature.

        class: MintwareDe\NativeCron\Filesystem\DebianCrontabFileLocator


  • PHP 8.1+
  • Symfony 6.1


Mark Commands as Cronjobs

After installing the bundle you can use the #[CronJob(...)] annotation (MintwareDe\NativeCronBundle\Attribute\CronJob) on your console commands.

This annotation accepts 2-5 arguments:

    name: 'my_cron_job',    // This is the name of the cron job. It is used to trigger the command
                            // using the mw:cron:run command
    #           .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
    #           | .-------------- hour (0 - 23)
    #           | | .------------ day of month (1 - 31)
    #           | | | .---------- month (1 - 12)
    #           | | | | .-------- day of week (0 - 6; Sunday=0)
    #           | | | | |   
    executeAt: '* * * * *', // This is the execution time definition. The format is identical to the crontab file. 
    user: 'root',           // The user that will be used to run the command. Optional, default = root 
    arguments: [            // The arguments that are passed to your command. See also here (ArrayInput): 
        'name'    => 'Foo', // InputArgument
        '--yell'  => true,  // Input option
class MyCommand extends \Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command {
    // ...

List / Install / Uninstall

You can use the Symfony console to list, install and uninstall the cron jobs. Remember: Install and uninstall may require higher user privileges! (su root / sudo etc.)


$ php bin/console mw:cron:list

Cron jobs

 -------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ 
  Name           Execute At   Arguments        Command     
 -------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ 
  my_cron_job    * * * * *    []               MyCronJob   
  my_cron_job2   0 1 * * *    {"arg2":"foo"}   MyCronJob2  
 -------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ 


$ php bin/console mw:cron:install

New crontab content

* * * * * root /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.1.10_1/bin/php /source/bin/console mw:cron:run my_cron_job
0 1 * * * root /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.1.10_1/bin/php /source/bin/console mw:cron:run my_cron_job2

 Confirm crontab? (yes/no) [yes]:
 > yes


$ php bin/console mw:cron:uninstall

Uninstall cron jobs

 [WARNING] The following cron jobs will be uninstalled:                                                                 

* * * * * root /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.1.10_1/bin/php /source/bin/console mw:cron:run my_cron_job
0 1 * * * root /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.1.10_1/bin/php /source/bin/console mw:cron:run my_cron_job2

 Confirm uninstall? (yes/no) [yes]: