
Easily convert images with Glide Image Utility.

v1.0.5 2021-03-26 13:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 08:57:26 UTC


Easily convert images with Glide Image Utility

This package provides an easy to use class to manipulate images. Using this package we can manipulate aws s3 bucket image also.

Here's an example of how the package can be used:

MiImage::createImage($ImagePath,['w'=> 50, 'h'=>100, 'fit'=>'crop', 'bg' => 'CCC']);


You can install the package through Composer.

composer require mindinventory/glide-image-utility

In Laravel 5.5 the service provider and facade will automatically get registered. In older versions of the framework just add the service provider and facade in config/app.php file:

'providers' => [

You can publish the config file of the package using artisan.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mi\MiImageUtility\ImageServiceProvider" --tag=config

The config file looks like this:


return [
    /* This is cache folder that create inside storage/images/cache folder */
    'cache_folder' => env('Cache_Folder', storage_path('images/cache')),


Here's a quick example that shows how an image can be modified:

MiImage::createImage($pathToImage,['w'=> 50, 'h'=>50, 'fit'=>'crop', 'bg' => 'CCC']);

In modification parameter you can use w = Width, h = Height, fit = Fit parameter [contain, max, fill, stretch, crop], q = Quality [Between 0 to 100], fm = Format [jpg, pjeg(progressive jpg), gif, webp] bg = Background Color For More Colors

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