
This library assists with easily communicating with a mysql database.

1.4.2 2021-08-18 12:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-10-27 14:21:07 UTC



A simple to use mysql connector for quickly connecting your php project with a mysql database


You can install this library using composer by adding it to your composer.json file

"require": {
    "mincdev/mysql-connector": "^1.*"

or running the following command:

composer require mincdev/mysql-connector


To use the connector, you need to include it in your file and intialise it with your database details.

use MySql\Connector;

$conn = new Connector([
    "host"      => "",
    "user"      => "root",
    "passwd"    => "secret",
    "schema"    => "my_db",

Once initialised you can use the connector in the following manner:

Insert a record

$conn->prepare("INSERT INTO table_name (column_1, column_2) VALUES (:column_1, :column_2)", [
    ":column_1" => "Hello World!", 
    ":column_2" => 1234

Row Count

$conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM table_name", null)->rowCount();

Fetch Single Column Value

$conn->prepare("SELECT column_name FROM table_name", null)->query();

Get last insert id


Select row(s)

Returns a single row or multiple rows

$conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM table_name", null)->select()

Quickly delete a record

Requires the primary key id to be passed and the table name

$conn->delete("table_name", 6);

Quick Insert

Inserts a record to the specified table using an array as the table structure.

$conn->quick_insert("table_name", ["column_1" => "Hello World!", "column_2" => 123]);

Quick Update

Updates a record in the specified table using an array as the table structure.

$conn->quick_update("table_name", 9, ["column_1" => "Hello World!", "column_2" => 123]);

Bulk Insert

Inserts multiple records to a specified table using an array as the table structure.

$conn->bulk_insert("table_name", [
    ["column_1" => "Hello World!", "column_2" => 1],
    ["column_1" => "Hello Galaxy!", "column_2" => 2]

Multi Modify (Multiple Statements)

Runs multiple statements on the database one after the other. Each statement is separated by a semi-colon ";"

$conn->prepare("DELETE FROM table_name;INSERT INTO table_name (column_1, column_2) VALUES (:column_1, :column_2)", [
    null, // No key value pairs for the delete statement
    [":column_1" => "Hello World!", ":column_2" => 123] // Key value pairs for the second statement (insert)